2015 Men’s Tuesday Night 9 Hole Match Play Golf League Presented by: ORIGINAL 16 Men’s Night Committee Dan Holowaychuk – Dave McIntyre – Darrell Morin Phone:
Highlights for 2015 Tuesday Men’s Night season New this Year! Any 2014 Men’s League Member that also is participating in 2015 and sends FIV a new registered league referral will receive a free power cart seat for the 2015 league season(value $190.00) New this Year! We are looking to add an additional 9 holes($20.00 p.p. includes cart) that will allow league players to participate in a weekly format using the Stableford point system with handicaps. Tee times for this would be booked by the individual player and take place between 2:30 & 4:15 prior to our match play format. Prizes will be awarded each week based on the point system format. Let us know if you are interested. Tuesday Night Match Play Golf league will continue as usual with a 6 pm shotgun start. –Get your self or team registered early. If you can’t make every week, sign up with 3 or 4 guys - shared cost - as long as 2 only are there on Tuesday nights, you are good to go! Cost: $ per person: Includes all green fees, special event night food & beverages, and prizes for entire league play - 20 weeks total. –Power Carts: $10.00 per seat weekly (must pay for 2 seats in order to obtain key) Regular season will consist of 14 weeks of match play, plus 2 weeks of playoffs for championships. + Plus, 3 scheduled FUN nights this season (couple of 18 hole nights), which will not count towards the point standings. ++ Plus, 1 warm up round (weather and course opening day permitting). Fort-In-View Men’s Night Tuesday Evenings
Shotgun start 6:00 pm weekly, unless otherwise prior noted. Stableford event prior to shotgun start weekly. Tentative Start dates for 2015; Tuesday, May 5. Playoffs in September. Ensure your entry by Register online at / Leagues / Men's League or call Green fees with annual Men's Night membership for 2015 is $ GST per person. (Green Fee Rates do not apply to Fort In View Annual Season Pass Holders). Full Annual Season Pass Holders will only pay $ Men's Night membership fee. If you can’t make every week, sign up with 3 or 4 guys - shared cost - as long as 2 only are there on Tuesday nights, you are good to go! Power Cart fees for Men’s night 2015 is $10.00 per rider. (Power Cart Rates do not apply to Fort In View Annual Power Cart Season Pass Holders). All Fees paid in full by Thursday, April 15, 2015 (Fort In View’s Annual Open House) will save the 5% GST off the 2015 rate. Diving Range is available, at regular price small or large bucket. Beer cart and Clubhouse Special each week. O-16 Beer Specials will be offered each week.
Fort-In-View Men’s Night Tuesday Evenings Weather permitting: League starts Tuesday, May 5, Playoffs in September. Year-end Wind-up/Awards Banquet will be held on Tuesday Sept 15, Start time will be at 6:00 PM (Shotgun Start), every week unless daylight becomes an issue or for special events. Stableford event prior to Shotgun. Hole prizes every week, must be in attendance to receive hole prize after round. 50/50 draws each week Special Event and Theme Nights schedule is subject to change. Sponsorship Opportunity/Cost updates (Slide #10). If sponsor wants to host a night and theme, they could also give out their big prize on that night if they choose. Rain Outs: –If 5 or more holes are completed before signal to come in is given, the scores after 5 or more holes will stand as is. –Make up games will be re-scheduled on Monday’s, to be determined by course, as 9 hole matches only.
Fort-In-View Men’s Night Tuesday Evenings Match Play for men’s night will be as per League schedule distributed at beginning of year. The final 2 weeks will be for playoffs. Players handicaps will be adjusted on an ongoing basis, based on our handicap formula system. Teams will mark gross score on their scorecards (net score will be calculated on the match line only), turn in immediately after the conclusion of the nightly match. Max out at double par on each hole. Match Play Format – 2 Man teams with 3 pts for win, 2 for tie, 1 pt for showing up, -1 pt for no show without notifying clubhouse replacement player(s) will fill in if available. Match can be 2 against 1 if partner is a no show and replacement is not available. “B” group can play first if other match is not ready. Teams should only wait for their opposition until the group behind has completed the previous hole and is at the tee box. Results will be posted weekly. Hole prizes every week, must be in attendance to receive hole prize after round.
Fort-In-View Men’s Night Tuesday Evenings Playoffs 2015 All teams will make playoffs. Weekly hole prizes will still be in effect, rankings will be determined by season point total with count-back to previous week (team with higher total prior to final week will be given higher rank to break ties). Top 4 teams ( Min 1 team per division) will playoff week 1 of playoffs (1 vs 4, 2 vs 3) Winners will play winners, Losers will play losers in week 2 of playoffs. This will decide 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd, & 4 th place. Extra holes will be played to break ties. 1st Place will get their names on the trophy plus $ each in Clubhouse dollars. 2 nd Place $75.00 each in Clubhouse dollars. 3 rd Place $50 each in Clubhouse dollars. 4 th place $25.00 each in Clubhouse dollars. Remaining teams will be divided into flights (8 teams for flights 1-2 and 10 teams for flights 3-5). Net score best ball for each team for the two weeks will be totaled to determine the winners of each flight (count-back will be used to break any ties with the team posting the lowest score prior to the final hole played getting the win). 1 st Flight winners get $60.00 each in Clubhouse dollars. 2 nd Flight winners get $50.00 each in Clubhouse dollars. 3 rd Flight winners will get $40.00 each in Clubhouse dollars. 4 th Flight winners will get $30.00 each in Clubhouse dollars. 5 th Flight winners will get $20.00 each in Clubhouse dollars. Runners up in each flight will receive half the amount of the winners portion in each flight.
Theme / Fun Nights 2015 (subject to change) April 23 - Fort in View’s Annual Open House evening. Last chance to register for Early Bird Pricing (for all Season Passes). May 5 - Opening Day, Burger & Beer May 12- Easy Pin Day May 19- Single Match Play (low vs. low / high vs. high) May 26 – O-16 Night June 2 - Stanley Cup Fever, wear your favorite Jersey June 9- Ryder Cup – Original vs Copper (Fun Night) June 16 - Longest Day, 18 Holes, Burger & Beer June 23 - Canada Day Celebration, Wear Red & White June 30 – TBD July 7 - Hot Dog & Beer July Man Team Scramble (Fun Night) July 21 - Red, Black and White Tees July 28 - Wacky Wear August 4 -Rude Pin Night August Man Alternate Shot (Fun Night) August 18 - Callaway/Golf Den Demo Night August 25- Corn Roast, crop permitting September 1 & 8 - Playoffs Sept 15 - Wind-up, Steak Dinner at 7:00pm, Awards/Prizes. FUN Themes: –1. Ryder Cup format – Original vs Copper –2. 18 Hole 4 Man Scramble – Committee makes the teams, prizes for top 3 teams –3. 9 Hole 2 Man Alternate Shot-prizes for top 3 teams Fort-In-View Men’s Night Tuesday Evenings
Hole In One Raffle (voluntary) – regular season and playoffs only Cost of $20/person, all funds go to 1 Pot regardless of night of play. The total amount raised for the season Hole In One Raffle will be divided into three pots. The first pot will cover the first third of the season, second pot will cover second third, and third pot will cover the final third of the season. 1 st Hole in One Winner gets a ‘Pot of Cash’ for segment in which it was won, next year’s men’s night dues covered and 12 dozen O-16 beer. To help celebrate, the winner will use some of the ‘Pot of Cash’ to buy pitchers of beer for Men's Night!! If someone gets a hole in one in the first third of the season, they will win the first cash pot, plus the beer, and Men's Night Green Fees covered for next year. We would then activate the pot for the second third of the year. Should someone get a hole in one, they would receive the pot for the second third of the season, but not the beer, etc. We would then activate the pot for the final third of the year. Should someone get a hole in one, they would receive the pot for the final third of the season, but not the beer, etc If no one gets a hole in one in the first third, that pot is added to the second pot for the second third of the season. The same would occur if no hole in one in the second third and all three pots would be up for grabs in the final third of the season. If there is no winner throughout Men's Night 2015, cash draws will be made at the wind-up.
Sponsorship Opportunity Provide: 20 hole prizes with a minimum value of $25.00 each. 1 large draw prize item for year end wind-up. Logo for signage 16” wide X 12” high. Host(ess) for 1X Men’s Night evening and showcase your company. Receive: off (1X) Men's Night Green Fees, or (4X) 18 Holes with Power Cart anytime Passes. Signage on sponsored hole. Sponsor recognition on nightly prize award presentations. Opportunity to host 1X Men’s Night evening and showcase your company. Website link on Men’s Night page of Fort-In-View Website. Fort-In-View Men’s Night Tuesday Evenings
Ale Yard Tap & Grill(N.Edm) Ashton Transport Boston Pizza (Ft.Sask) O-16 The Canadian Brewhouse(Shwd Park) Co-op(Ft.Sask) Overtime Bar & Grill(Shwd Park) Big Rock Diageo Canada Inc. Canterbury Coffee Helical Pier Systems Old Dutch Golf Den Home Hardware(Ft.Sask) Fountain Tire(Ft.Sask) Fort In View Golf Course –Dan Holowaychuk –Jim Baylis –Dave McIntyre Thank-You to our 2014 Men’s Night Sponsors and organizers