Today’s Activities 1.Warm Up: Reading Strategies II 2.Read All Quiet on the Western Front – Chapters Complete Question Sheet 3 (turn in sheet)
Warm Up: Reading Strategies III DIRECTIONS: On a separate sheet of paper, write one paragraph (5-7 sentences) that predicts what will happen to Paul based on examples / evidence from the text. Follow the information prompts below when writing your response. State your prediction for what will happen to Paul at the end of the book. Give three examples from the text that supports your prediction. Conclude by restating your prediction. (“Therefore, based on this evidence Paul should…”).
Activity: All Quiet on the Western Front 1.Read chapters Complete All Quiet question sheet 3 (turn it in)
Name Block Date All Quiet on the Western Front Question Sheet 2 1.What is it that the author refers to as “the music of war”? 2.Paul constantly compares himself to younger, newly arrived soldiers (such as the young man with fair hair that he is in the shell hole with). How do these comparisons make him seem less “naïve” and more worldly than them? What knowledge has he gained that they lack? 3.Paul says that he feel like just a little soldier, but something makes him feel “as big as the morning sky.” What is it that makes him feel more than just a little soldier? 4.In chapter six, Second Company faces a French offensive and are forced to retreat from their positions. But what do the French give up for each yard of German ground they gain? 5.The image on the cover of the book reappears in chapter six. What is it a picture of? What is the scene depicting? 6.Second Company beats back the French offensive, but why isn’t this a “heroic” moment of triumph in the story? Why does it feel like a loss? 7.What is the title of chapter six a reference to? 8.Why does Paul say that they have been fighting for a thousand years?
Name Block Date All Quiet on the Western Front Question Sheet 3 (ch 7-9) 1.What is the status of Paul’s friends named Kemmerich, Westhus, Kramer, Martins, Meyer, Max, Beyer, and Hemmerling? 2.How is Paul’s mother doing back at home? 3.Why does Paul have to see Kemmerich’s mother? 4.Why does Paul say, “I should never have come home on leave” (Remarque 64)? 5.Paul sees the starving Russian prisoners and gives them some of his mother’s potato cakes. Why does he decide to give them only two instead and put the rest back into his pack? 6.How does Paul get lost in No Man’s Land? 7.Why did Paul have to kill the French soldier? 8.How does he kill the French soldier?
Name Block Date All Quiet on the Western Front Question Sheet 4 1.What has happened to Paul’s friend Haie? 2. What is the “Dying Room” and why is it called that? 3. According to Paul, what kind of thing does “a man get used to” in the Army? 4. What happened to Detering and what does it have to do with cherry blossoms? 5. What happened to Paul’s friend Muller? How did it happen? 6.Is Paul able to help his friend Kat? What happens? 7.Who is the last man? What is the report on the day the last man falls? 8.How is this report symbolic of the war effort to this point?
Day of the Final Exam final career presentations 1.Deliver final career presentations & turn in packets / papers. make up work 2.If you have a D or F in the course do make up work to bring up your grade. all current see me 3.If you are all current and you have a C or better in the course… see me TUESDAY EXAM EXEMPTION SHEETS GO OUT STARTING TUESDAY
Name Block Date All Quiet on the Western Front Question Sheet 1 1.What is the title an allusion (reference) to? What type of report? 2.Why might the Nazis have burned this book? Does it show the German soldier as a fearless or heroic warrior? 3.Who are the “Old Folk” that the title of chapter 1 refers to? Explain (give names and general ages). 4.Who is Stanislaus Katczinsky? 5.How is Katczinsky different from Kantorek in terms of what he tells Paul Baumer and his friends about the war? Which adult tries to tell them about its realities? 6.Why do the men receive extra food in chapter 1? How do they feel about that? 7.Who are the “Iron Youth”? Why might they be called that? 8.What does the chapter 2 title, “Death Watch” refer to? Explain using character names and details. 9.Who is Himmeltoss? 10.What is the significance of Kemmerich’s boots? What loss could they be symbolic of?