Real Time Is *Not* Fast Enough Jeremiah Owyang Altimeter Group December 2009 For a copy of slides, send an to
At first, things started off “slow”
Then Real-Time Took Center Stage
Location Based
Publishing Goals 5
“Now” Seems So Yesterday.
Real Time Is *Not* Fast Enough Jeremiah Owyang Altimeter Group December 2009 For a copy of slides, send an to
Motrin Moms
“Honestly, the only pain I have at the moment is the headache from refuting the ignorance in this Motrin ad. Anyone have a generic ibuprofen?” “Wow, Motrin, way to mismarket. My sling is saving my life and has been for 15 months now. Have you tried carrying a baby all day?” “I agree. NO to Motrin. Generic ibuprofen works for me! And wearing my son never gave me back pain.”
Evolution Of The Web Asynchronous o News sites o Press releases o Blogs Real-Time o Status Updates o Chat Tools o Checkins Updates Intention o Scheduling o 43 Things o Plancast
Social Network Adoption Increases Wave 4. Universal McCann,
Many Industries Can’t Keep Up Data from Altimeter’s Engagement DB
Your Site As You Know It
Your Site with Google Sidewiki
The Impact Good – and bad – opinions are online Customers trust each other Companies unable to match this growing trend.
Three Strategies to Respond Provide Social PersonalizationRecruit an Unpaid ArmyInvest in Management Systems
#1. Provide Social Personalization
The Impact Develop a Listening Strategy Get a listening program in place Prepare for social personalization Allow social features and logins to connect to your site
Learn with Monitoring Tools
Radian6 Enables Learning Organizations
Social Personalization
Augmented Reality Provides Contextual Information
28 #2 Recruit an Unpaid Army
Advocacy Programs Companies cannot scale to meet the needs of the real-time web As a result, they’re developing advocacy programs lead by customers.
Microsoft’s Most Valuable Professional 30
Walmart’s Elevenmoms
The Impact Advocacy Programs Incent through recognition –never money. Provide them with access to special information or events. Listen to their feedback – and make changes.
#3 Invest in Management Systems
The Impact Social CRM Companies respond to the real-time web by using Social CRM. Social Data funneled into CRM systems. Companies respond quicker.
Salesforce Social Tools
Lithium Social CRM *Lithium is an Altimeter Group client.
The Impact What It Means 1.Social web fuels real-time web. 2.Information is personalized, location based, and rapid 3.Companies can barely keep up with the slow-time web.
Pragmatic Next Steps 1.Personalize social technologies 2.Leverage the crowd 3.Tie social data with company data
Jeremiah Owyang Altimeter Group Slides will be published on My Blog, and Slideshare Creative Commons License Slide assistance by Christine Tran, Altimeter Group and Carmen Taran, Rexi Media.
41 The most effective way to deal with the future is to be the one shaping it.