Recruiting & Retaining Referees 10/8/20121
Recruiting Referees 10/8/20122
Recruiting Referees Recognize that recruiting is a never ending task. – Every person you come in contact with is a potential referee. 10/8/20123
Recruiting Referees Identify and train Recruiters to focus on this task. – Have sales experience. – Be personable. – Be persistent. – Be dedicated. – Be gender and age specific (women and youth referees as recruiters). – Be a genuine believer. 10/8/20124
Recruiting Referees Training Recruiters and teaching the basic recruiting methods: – Initial contact. – Go slowly. – Know your customers. 10/8/20125
Recruiting Referees Common excuses we hear from people to avoid becoming a part of our wonderful national membership. 10/8/20126
Recruiting Referees I don’t know anything about the game! 10/8/20127
Recruiting Referees I don’t have time! 10/8/20128
Recruiting Referees I don’t think I could put up with the behavior of some coaches and spectators! 10/8/20129
Recruiting Referees I’m not the right kind of person to be a referee, I’d be embarrassed! 10/8/201210
Recruiting Referees I’m a woman and women don’t referee! 10/8/201211
Recruiting Referees I can’t afford the equipment! 10/8/201212
Recruiting Referees I’m too old! 10/8/201213
Recruiting Referees I’m too young! 10/8/201214
Recruiting Referees I don’t think I could keep up with the players. Some of them are pretty fast! 10/8/201215
Recruiting Referees I don’t think I could handle the responsibilities of the referee! 10/8/201216
Recruiting Referees When and Where to recruit: – Prior to registrations – During registrations – During practices – During games It pays to advertise! 10/8/201217
– Player parents – Players – Boy and Girl Scouts – Church Groups – Schools – College bound players – Job hunting players – Seniors – Others? Recruiting Referees 10/8/ Who to recruit?
– Designated recruiters – Publicity – Forced Recruiting – The Buddy System – The Referee Mentor Program – Others methods? Recruiting Referees 10/8/ How to recruit?
Recruiting Referees Use the Diagonal System in Recruiting. 10/8/201220
Retaining Referees 10/8/201221
Retaining Referees Why do referees quit refereeing? Why do referees continue to referee? 10/8/201222
Retaining Referees Nothing succeeds like success. Refereeing should be fun so… 10/8/201223
Retaining Referees First things first: MINIMIZE PROBLEMS FROM THE TOUCHLINE! Do not tolerate coaches, spectators or other referees that will not support the program. 10/8/201224
Retaining Referees For every referee you retain, that person can assist in the recruitment of new referees and help you get more referees to cover your matches! 10/8/201225
Retaining Referees Provide adequate training from the start. – A good start. – Don’t forget your veterans. – Use of the Diagonal System. 10/8/201226
Retaining Referees Establish good communication. 10/8/201227
Retaining Referees Form a referee club: – Meetings – Guest speakers – Involve everyone – Don’t forget the women – Youth referee programs 10/8/201228
Retaining Referees Offer motivational incentives: – Uniforms – Thank you’s from players and coaches – Awards – End of season banquet or potluck 10/8/201229
Retaining Referees Deal FIRMLY with abuse – Be proactive – Be committed – Zero tolerance – The Coach Administrator is key 10/8/201230
Retaining Referees Shaping the referee’s image – Fight to change public perception – Public recognition – Spread the word – Be proud – Spotlight individuals 10/8/201231
Retaining Referees Referee Mentor Program 10/8/201232
Retaining Referees Develop a CORE referee group – Teaching – Mentor to provide personalized attention and make new friends – Assessing, and most important, – Encourage the next set of referees 10/8/201233
Conclusion Recruiting referees is a never ending task Use recruiters and train them to overcome the objections Minimize problems from the touchline 10/8/201234
Conclusion Keep them coming back by: – Minimize problems outside the touchline – Use award recognition when feasible – Provide socialization opportunities – Provide continuing education opportunities – Establish a mentor program to encourage referees 10/8/201235
Ready – Set - Ref! 10/8/ Thank you for all you do for AYSO!!