Skittles Taste The Rainbow
Skittles' "taste the rainbow" theme was created by New York ad agency D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles in The ‘Taste the rainbow’ campaign from Skittles is one of the longest running campaigns in the history of advertising. Skittles were first made commercially in 1974 by a British company.
The 10 year old “Taste the Rainbow” ad campaign was revised to give consumers more flexible instruction to actually be the rainbow. For example: “Share the Rainbow”Share “Believe the Rainbow”Believe “Touch the Rainbow”Touch
Skittles changed it’s website to a social media campaign in terms of global brand marketing with facebook, twitter, and For example, whenever a person tweeted about skittles, it would appear on the skittles homepage. Was not exactly a success…..
After the revived skittles campaign, sales were increased by 10%. Unaided awareness increased by 3% had an increase in visitors from 11K to 318K after they began the social media campaign.