Are these groups good for the legislative process?
What is a problem with this school that you would like to see changed? Think of a plan of action that would bring about a change in this situation. What’s the point?...those that mobilize as groups often have greater success than those that act alone!
Private organizations that try to persuade public officials to respond to shared attitudes of its members They attempt to influence the making and content of public policies (laws) Examples?? NRA, AARP, NEA, NOW
Activists which bring group pressure to bear on legislators and the legislative process Testify before legislative committees Apply “grass roots” pressure by printing ratings of Congress members Provide “gifts” to legislators
Political Action Committees (PACs) This is the political arm of the interest groups They seek to influence elections of Congressional members who share their views – HOW? AOPA PAC financing Congress members and committees
Can stimulate interest in public affairs These groups provide a vehicle for political participation Allows people to be represented based on issues instead of where they live Lobbyists and others provide specialized information to the government
Group views may not always be in the best interest of ALL Americans The better financed groups have advantage in gaining access to elected officials Views are often of the leadership of the group NOT individual members It can be hard to tell who is in the group
a/action/yt/watch?videoId=CHiicN0Kg10 a/action/yt/watch?videoId=CHiicN0Kg10 As you watch this video, write down the rules, actions and/or activities that you think would appear in the playbook.