Unit 3 AP Review
Question #1 The “free rider” problem refers to what?
Question #2 What is the biggest obstacle for 3 rd parties in trying to elect their candidate to the presidency?
Question #3 What is the primary purpose of political parties?
Question #4 Individuals who join an interest group for a purposive benefit are joining for this reason…… What is it?
Question #5 Besides political parties and interest groups name another “linking mechanism”
Question #6 Lobbying is protected under the 1 st Amendment. Lobbyists work to influence policy. What is the primary way in which lobbyists work to influence policy?
Question #7 PAC’s are set up to provide money to candidates in a campaign. Who would receive the majority of money that a PAC donates to a campaign?
Question #8 “Traditional” media refers to which type of media?
Question #9 Besides campaign contributions describe two ways that interest groups can influence policy.
Question #10 Since the 1960’s there has been a trend towards “dealignment.” What is the trend?