Real Estate Principles Tenth Edition Real Estate: An Introduction to the Profession Tenth Edition
Chapter 2 Nature and Description of Real Estate __________________________________
Land Improvements Fixtures Manner of Attachment adaptation of object existence of an agreement relationship of the parties Appurtenances
Real Estate’s Dimensions Land includes the surface of the earth, the sky above, and everything to the center of the earth.
Water Rights Riparian Right Doctrine of Capture Percolating Water
Land Descriptions Metes & Bounds Rectangular Survey System Recorded Plat Reference to Documents other than Maps Informal Reference - address Assessor’s Parcel Number
Describing Land by Metes and Bounds
Naming Directions for a Metes and Bounds Survey Moving in a clockwise direction from the point of beginning, set the center of a circle compass on each corner of the parcel to find the direction of travel to the next corner.
Parallels and Meridians The public land survey system of the United States.
Township Divided into Sections
One Section (640 Acres) Subdivided
Land Description by Recorded Plat
Lot Types
The tax assessor assigns every parcel of land in the county its own parcel number. For example, the westernmost parcel (lot 50) in the map would carry the number , meaning Book 34, Page 18, Parcel 8. Assessor’s Map
Physical Characteristics of Land Immobility Indestructibility Nonhomogeneity
Economic Characteristics of Land Scarcity Modification Fixity Situs
Key Terms Fixity Fixtures Improvements Meridians Metes & Bounds Monument Personal property Real Estate Recorded Plat Riparian Rights Scarcity Situs