Wellingborough SUE’s Julie Thomas Head of Planning and Local Development
Garden Communities
Wellingborough Sustainable Urban Extensions (SUE’s) Stanton Cross
Known as Wellingborough East or WEAST in the Wellingborough Local Plan. Since 2000 the landowners consortium worked with the council to identify a vision for Wellingborough East - ‘a gateway to the East Midlands’ Significant public consultation was undertaken to identify the priorities for Wellingborough East and help shape the Wellingborough East development framework and associated development briefs. The landowners consortium appointed Bovis as the developer for Wellingborough East in The name Stanton Cross was chosen through a public competition.
Stanton Cross masterplan
3100 dwellings (87ha) ha of B1, B2 and B8 development. New station building and public transport links. New and enhanced walking and cycling routes and facilities. Town and Country Park. Neighbourhood Centre and two secondary local centres. Two Primary Schools and a site for a Secondary School. Necessary infrastructure. Outline Planning permission granted in January Stanton Cross
In order to access the majority of the site, infrastructure needs to be provided to cross the railway line and the River Ise floodplain. The site is also close to the River Nene floodplain which is a Special Protection Area (SPA). The impacts on these have been considered and mitigation agreed with the Environment Agency (EA) and Natural England. Bovis have required the councils help with an infrastructure CPO for route 4 which was undertaken in 2012 by the Council. A further CPO for Station Island North to allow route 9 to come forward is in process. Stanton Cross key challenges
The Council is working closely with the developer and infrastructure providers to ensure delivery of the site. Bovis have secured NEP funding for a new road bridge (route 4) over the Midland Mainline railway and are in due diligence process to secure HCA and NEP funding to unlock the SUE’s. An official ground breaking ceremony took place on 20 March Bovis have signed a contract for the construction of Route 4 and 9 (North and South) which started on site on 18 May 2015 and the road should be open to traffic in July First residential areas (parcels 15 and 16) are due to start on site this year and parcel 14 in March 2016, with first completion by July Bovis will also be submitting a planning application for a further 550 houses within Stanton Cross. Further development is possible to the east of the Stanton Cross and is being discussed with the council. Stanton Cross current position
Wellingborough Sustainable Urban Extensions (SUE’s) Wellingborough North
Wellingborough North Development Framework
Wellingborough North Identified in the North Northamptonshire Core Strategy adopted Outline permission for 3000 dwellings (81.54 ha) granted via appeal for non determination. 6.69ha employment land. Two primary schools. A local/neighbourhood centre. Open spaces and parkland. Necessary infrastructure including a reserve corridor for the Isham to Wellingborough improvement (IWIMP). Outline planning permission granted via appeal in 2010.
The council currently owns some land in all three phases. The council has agreed to sell the phase 1 land to Midtown Capital/Northants LLP and are currently working on the land sale agreement and S106 agreement expected July Only 1500 houses can be occupied before the Isham to Wellingborough Improvement (IWIMP) is in place. Discussions are ongoing with NCC on the need for this. This does not however impact the delivery of phase 1. There are no significant infrastructure requirements for this site. Wellingborough North key challenges
The Council is working with the developer to ensure delivery of the site. The scheme will be delivered by Midtown Capital and Northants LLP. Parcels R1 to R6 and the Local Centre plots are currently being marketed as fully serviced parcels by Midtown Capital/Northants LLP. In the promotional materials the scheme is called Glenvale Park. Reserved matters application are with the council for parcel R1 to R3. Midtown Capital/Northants LLP would like to change the location of the Local/Neighbourhood Centre, this is currently being discussed with the council. Start on site is currently being identified as later this year with dwelling completions in 2015/16. Wellingborough North current position