Public Participation Meeting June 15, 2016 Surplus Farm Dwelling Severances
AGENDA What are Surplus Farm Dwellings? Adelaide Metcalfe’s Current Policy Where Are We Today? Provincial and County contexts Proposed Policies and Regulations for Adelaide Metcalfe Next Steps and YOUR FEEDBACK!
Dwellings located on farms that are not required by farming operations for the purposes of agricultural activities what are “SURPLUS FARM DWELLINGS”?
PROHIBITION: Implemented through the Township’s Official Plan More restrictive than Province and Middlesex County OPTIONS FOR FARMERS: Find tenants (e.g. rental income, family members) Demolition ADELAIDE METCALFE’S CURRENT POLICY
Council Direction – February 2016 Council directed County planning staff to draft policies and regulations to consider surplus farm dwelling severances within Adelaide Metcalfe Resources Provincial Policy Statement County of Middlesex Official Plan Public and agency consultation WHERE ARE WE TODAY?
“RESIDENCE SURPLUS TO A FARMING OPERATION means an existing habitable farm residence that is rendered surplus as a result of farm consolidation (the acquisition of additional farm parcels to be operated as one farm operation).” PROVINCIAL CONTEXT(PPS)
SEVERANCE CRITERIA a) Farm consolidation (at least two farms) b) Parcel size kept to a minimum to accommodate the residential use and private infrastructure c) Dwelling must be habitable d) New residences prohibited on vacant remnant farm parcel PROVINCIAL CONTEXT (PPS)
“RESIDENCE SURPLUS TO A FARMING OPERATION means a farm residence that is rendered surplus as a result of farm consolidation (the acquisition of additional farm parcels to be operated as one farm operation).” COUNTY CONTEXT (OP)
SEVERANCE CRITERIA a) Residence must have been built prior to January 1, 1999 b) Farm consolidation (at least two farms) c) New residences are prohibited on any vacant remnant parcel of farmland created by the severance
PROPOSED POLICIES - criteria a) Farm consolidation occurs through the acquisition of an additional farm property; b) The farming operation consists of at least two farms; c) The farming operation demonstrates that the dwelling is surplus to the needs of the operation; d) The dwelling was constructed prior to the timeframe established under the County of Middlesex Official Plan being January 1, 1999; e) The dwelling is habitable and in compliance with the Township’s Property Standards By-law to the satisfaction of the Township’s Chief Building Official;
PROPOSED POLICY … f) The proposed lot is the minimum size needed to accommodate the residential use and private on-site services in the form of potable water supply and a septic system. g) Farm buildings deemed surplus to the needs of the farm or incompatible with the proposed residential lot if retained with the farm, may require demolition or removal. Proximity to the residential use, proposed lot lines, compliance with Minimum Distance Separation (MDS I) and the structural condition of farm buildings shall be governing factors as to whether demolition or removal is required. Farm buildings shall not be included with the proposed residential lot unless deemed structurally sound and in good condition by the Township’s Chief Building Official and provided they do not exceed the requirements of the Zoning By-law.
PROPOSED POLICY … h) The raising of livestock shall be prohibited on the proposed residential lot and implemented through the Zoning By- law; i) New and independent vehicular accesses to both the lot to be severed and the remnant farm parcel shall be provided, if necessary, in accordance with the road authority having jurisdiction; j) Any new residential use is prohibited on the remnant farm parcel and implemented through the Zoning By-law. k) A notice registered on title of the proposed residential lot shall be required specifically notifying owners of normal farm practices, as outlined in the Farming and Food Production Protection Act, 1998, as amended.
PROPOSED REGULATIONS The Agricultural Only (AO) Zone would apply to the remnant farm parcel to prohibit any new residential use consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement; and The Surplus Dwelling (SD) Zone would apply to the single detached dwelling and uses accessory thereto located on a separate lot.
PROPOSED REGULATIONS … RequirementsAgricultural Only (AO) ZoneSurplus Dwelling (SD) Zone Permitted UsesAccessory use Agriculture Conservation Equestrian Training Facility Forestry Outdoor Storage Accessory use Accessory dwelling unit within single detached dwelling B & B Home Business Single Detached Dwelling Minimum Lot AreaLesser of 40 ha or as it existed the day the dwelling ceased to be part of the farm parcel 2,000 m 2 Minimum Lot WidthLesser of 150 m or as it existed the day the dwelling ceased to be part of the farm parcel 30 m Minimum Front Yard30 m15 m Minimum External Side Yard30 m15 m Minimum Interior Side Yard15 m3 m Minimum Rear Yard15 m12 m Maximum Building Height20 m10 m Maximum Lot Coverage-20% Maximum Coverage for Accessory Buildings -10%
NEXT STEPS We want to hear from you! Fax Letter Please provide your feedback before Monday, June 27, 2016 Draft Policies and Regulations will be considered by Township Council at a future meeting