Integrating an OpenCourseWare and Institutional Repository Heather Leary & Brett Shelton Utah State University
OpenCourseWare Started at MIT in 2001 Today over 300 institutions have OCWs Over 9,000 courses More schools each year start OCWs at their institution USU has third largest OCW in USA
USU OCW USU OCW seen steady growth since it’s launch –270 visitors per day (October 2006)to 1800 visitors per day (today) –Over 3 million unique visitors to the site It has seen some press –Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, US News and World Report, Chronicle of Higher Education, USA Today Start of Educommons
USU OCW Timeline USU OCW launched with 7 courses Initially funded by the Hewlett Foundation Utah is first to have state wide support for OCW Funded by 1-time monies from the state legislature to create Utah OCW Alliance Utah OCW Alliance is launched (150 courses, 7 schools) USU passes 50 courses Today we have 80 courses in 20 depts. - With long term goal to support all USU courses Third most visited site on domain State funding stretched until Feb., 2009 CEHS bridge funding until June 30, 2009 No further funding in place as of July 1, 2009…
Institutional Repository (IR) What is an IR? –Repository of scholarly and intellectual output from an institution (usually a university or college) –Worldwide exposure of content for discovery and preservation How does USU view an IR –(Try to) refer to it as Digital Commons at USU –Scholarship includes teaching materials –More than USU faculty & staff output, digital hub for materials
Launched November 2008, powered by The Berkeley Electronic Press Includes over 3,000 items –Articles, Books, Book chapters, OCW, Images, Research reports, K12 teacher PD curriculum, Government Documents, Videos, Journals, Subject specific bibliographies, Graduate and Undergraduate honors theses and dissertations, Presentations, Conference proceedings, Author web pages Over 13,000 downloads From over 100 countries
Integration Steps Fall Upload metadata with link to USU OCW Spring Move link to metadata and upload a zipped folder of the course Ideal situation: see the course online with a downloadable version (just like the ocw page) Next steps… –Waiting for EduCommons upgrade for better output of the courses –Working with bepress to provide online viewing of the courses
Why Archive OCW in the DC? Provides yet another way to discover OCW Provides different ways of searching OCW –Faculty name –Year –Title –Subject New avenue for showcasing the instructional side of the University Archives OCW for historical footprint (all versions)
Take Away Message OCW sustainability is important Libraries can play an important role in open education (Librarians can be allies) Does your library or institution have an IR or Digital Repository? Find out!
Questions and Information Brett Shelton - Heather Leary - or USU OCW Facebook -