Office of Federal Programs Advisory Team Meeting Welcome Brenda B. Blackburn, Superintendent Berkeley County School District May 5, 2016, 6:00 pm Goose Creek Primary School
The Goals of the OFP Advisory Team To provide an opportunity for stakeholders to become involved in the planning process of District Federal Grants and supported programs. To inform district stakeholders of OFP strategies that support district goals.
Title I Allocation $8,308, Activities included in the Title I grant : Indirect Costs Homeless Students Administration Vision Assistance After School STEM Program Professional Development & FMU Partnership Summer Literacy Program Title I Instructional Coaches & Facilitators
Feedback and needs assessment OFP Advisory Team comments and questions Title I administrative team surveys District data and guidance from the superintendent’s cabinet
Student Support Services PersonnelFamily Engagement Professional Development Vision/Homeless assistance -Positive activity -Increase awareness of programs Facilitator, Instructional Coach, OFP personnel -Positive support for teachers and Title I implementation -Title I Crate positive addition for documentation Provide assistance for families to help their child with academics -continue to assist schools with ideas Support professional development of teachers/district staff -FMU partnership -Title I conference -Academic conferences Title I
Title I school allocations Title I School Selection for SchoolFREEREDUCEDTotal F/RPK Total F/R minus PK 5K-12 EEI Final F/R minus EEI 5K day ADM Percent Poverty Per Pupil Projected Allocation St. Stephen Elem %* ,000 Cross Elem %* ,600 J K Gourdin %* ,200 St. Stephen Middle %* ,600 Cross High %* ,400 Sedgefield Inter %* ,800 College Park Elem , %* ,000 Cainhoy Elem. & Middle %* ,600 Goose Creek Primary , %* ,000 Timberland High %* ,000 Berkeley Elem %* ,400 Sedgefield Middle , %* ,400 Macedonia Middle %* ,200 College Park Middle %* ,800 H E Bonner %* ,400 Boulder Bluff %* ,000 Berkeley Int %* ,500 Devon Forest %* ,000 Sangaree Elem %* ,000 Sangaree Inter %* ,500 Whitesville Elem , %* ,000 TOTAL % 6,061,400
Title I activities Indirect Costs Homeless Students Administration Vision Assistance Professional Development & FMU Partnership Summer Literacy Program Title I Instructional Coaches & Facilitators School allocations
Title II Allocation: $ 968, Activities included in the Title II grant: Indirect Costs Participating Private Schools Curriculum Coaches Development for Highly Qualified Staff
OFP Advisory Team comments and questions Consultation with participating private schools District data and guidance from the superintendent’s cabinet Feedback and needs assessment
Title II Private SchoolsBerkeley County 4 participating schools - private schools must follow same federal guidance as BCSD schools -support course work, conferences, professional development of teachers Curriculum Coaches -continue supporting coaches, beneficial to teachers Highly Qualified Requirement - no longer required by Federal law
Indirect Costs Participating Private Schools Instructional Coaches Title II activities
Title III Allocation $ 162, Activities included in the Title III grant: Indirect Costs ESOL Curriculum Facilitator/Instructional Coach Professional Development for all Teachers Extra Time & Assistance for English Learners Supplemental Instructional Materials for English Learners
OFP Advisory Team comments and questions District data and guidance from the superintendent’s cabinet Feedback and needs assessment
Title III Activities Student Support and Programs Professional Development Tutoring, Summer Camps, Family Literacy -Continue programs -Includes K-5 students -Increase communication about programs, locations, and student criteria PD sessions offered by ESOL Curriculum Facilitator - continue providing support to ESOL and content teachers -Increase awareness of sessions -Provide more sessions - Share the 3 components for effective EL instruction
Indirect Costs ESOL Curriculum Facilitator/Instructional Coach Professional Development for all Teachers Extra Time & Assistance programs for English Learners (ELs) Summer literacy programs for ELs Supplemental Instructional Materials for ELs Title III activities
ESEA Elementary and Secondary Education Act The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 provides districts with extra resources to supplement instruction in high-poverty schools and ensure that poor and minority children have the same opportunity as other children to meet challenging State academic standards.
Every Student Succeeds Act ESSA Holds all students to high academic standards Prepares all students for success in college and career Provides more students access to high-quality preschool Guarantees steps are taken to help students, and their schools, improve Promotes local innovation and invests in what works Reduces the burden of testing while maintaining annual information for parents and students Source:
What Does This Mean for Berkeley County Schools? Will receive guidance from the South Carolina Department of Education Waiver will expire in August, 2016 will be a bridge year for implementation begin full implementation
Please use the green comment cards to leave any final thoughts with us. Send Comments and Suggestions anytime to: Dr. Denise P. Ling Director of Federal & State Programs,