Transition to KCA Parents’ information evening 6th June 2016
The Primary School
Kempston Challenger Academy logo
Uniform Black Blazer with KCA logo Optional Black V-neck jumper (red piping) Plan white shirt with a top button suitable for a tie Clip on tie (red/grey/black stripe) Plain black trousers. (No skinny trousers/leggings or jodhpurs) Tartan Kilt skirt (knee length) for girls Dark grey, black or white socks (plain, dark tights are an alternative for girls) Black low-heeled shoes or low heeled boots leather style (school trousers must be worn over the boots). Trainers and plimsolls are not allowed
PE Kit Unisex Black/Red sports polo shirt (with logo) Girls sports polo shirt (with logo) Black and red shorts (boys/girls) Black and red skirt (girls) Black hoodie with white piping and KCA logo Plain black football/rugby socks Black tracksuit bottoms (or black lycra running leggings – not standard leggings). Trainers Football boots Each student will need to purchase three of the clothing items. The polo shirt, shorts/skort and hoodie are compulsory items.
Uniform Josens are going to supply the uniform (based in Bedford town centre). Year 4 into 5 and year 8 into 9 parents – will purchase all items of uniform. Subsidies will be available for Years 4 and 8 upon request New year 6, 7, 8 – CMAT are contributing towards the cost of a replacement uniform. likely to include a skirt/trousers, blazer and tie. We are also asking for a price that includes a PE top. The current tie design this is subject to change. Josens are going to provide us with a variety of sizes of blazers within the next week. Alternatively, parents could also visit the shop to try on sizes to get an idea. Order forms are being finalised, Order through RBMS (this will also be available on line). Collection of uniform will be available over the summer break or before from RBMS/HBEC (depending on timings of order and year group).
Challenger Diploma for all Curriculum Primary iPC – The International Primary Curriculum Thematic and cross curricular Strong emphasis on English and Maths Access to specialist areas for Sports, Performing Arts, Food Studies and DT. Challenger Diploma Years 7 and 8 Years 9, 10 and 11 Sixth Form National curriculum subjects Core subjects plus Foundation Subjects Key Stage 4 curriculum EBAC qualification Vocational pathway A levels and Level 3 BTEC GCSE resits in English and Mathematics Consortium subjects with Wootton Challenger Diploma for all
Shape of the School Day Primary (Years 5 and 6) Secondary (Years 7 to 13) 08:30 – 08:45 – Tutor time Five one hour lessons Break from 10:45 to 11:00 Lunch from 12:00 – 13:00 15:00 – End of Day 15:00 – 16:00: Lesson 6 The Challenger Diploma (OPTIONAL FOR PRIMARY) 08:30 – Start of the day Five one hour lessons Break at 10:45 to 11:00 13:00 – 13:20: Tutor time 13:20 – 14:00: Lunch 15:00 – 16:00: Lesson 6 – The Challenger Diploma
Transport Looking at the possibility of a free minibus for the Autumn term for certain pupils OR a walking bus for younger pupils In contact with the LA regarding the alleyway from Sainsburys Breakfast club at the beginning of the school day Club at the end of the school day
The Challenger Diploma: One of KCA’s unique selling points! The power of extra-curricular experiences Rewarding extra-curricular Duke of Edinburgh Award Sports leadership Award Coaching awards Expressive arts experiences leading to a performance for parents and the community Mandarin Chinese Robotics Sailing / canoeing Hair and beauty Chess / Bridge
Transition Days Year 4 in to 5: 7th and 8th July ( with Year 4 parent information on 8th July at RBMS – 6pm to 7pm) Year 5 in to 6: 13th July Year 6 in to 7: 28th June Year 7 in to 8: 29th June Year 8 in to 9: 7th and 8th July & Thursday 14th July – parents’ evening with tutors at HBEC
The Transition Days Series of lessons and activities Tour of the site New year 5 and 6 in the Primary building New Year 7, 8 and 9 in the Secondary buildings Tour of the site Meeting key staff and students Lunch can be purchased from the canteen or pupils should bring packed lunches Letters will come out this week to confirm arrangements Year 5s will travel to and from HBEC with staff Year 6s and 7s will make their own way there and home again
Other transition events Year 4 assemblies/meetings at Lower Schools Options Taster days (Year 8) Business and Enterprise Day at HBEC – 17th June (Years 7 and 8) Race for Life – 17th June (Years 7 and 8) Student Council meetings (all years) Year 8 Friendship Day at Hastingsbury – 23rd June (identified pupils) SEND Transition events (identified pupils)
Other important dates for your diary Parent information evening Andora Ski trip and Croatia trip – Year 8s only: 30th June 6.30pm to 7.30pm at RBMS Triple P Parenting Seminars: Years 4 and 5: 6th July at 18:00 at RBMS Years 6, 7 and 8: 11th July at 18:00 at RBMS Final Farewell to RBMS event 15th July – 15:30 to 18:00
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