BRENTWOOD WATER SERVICS & VUEWORKS BWS has approximately 10,000 water and sewer customers,210K LF of Water Lines, 280K LF of Sewer Lines, 15 Water Booster Stations, 10 Water Storage Tanks, 11 Sewage Lift Stations, and maintains a staff of 23 employees. Began relationship with VUEWorks in the summer of BWS currently utilizes the following modules: Core, Service Requests, Work Orders, Resource, Condition, Projects, Budget Forecasting, and Valuation. BWS has a robust existing GIS program that is the base for the VUEWorks platform.
ASSET MANAGEMENT AS A PART OF A COMPREHENSIVE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Streamlined, efficient maintenance operations Data gathering and evaluation for future planning Tower read meter reading to improve efficiency in meter reading Work order scheduling, dispatching, and record keeping CIP planning Asset Valuation for Government Auditing Inventory Management Hydraulic modeling using GIS and historical data for calibration Cross Connection and FOG Programs
GIS AS A BASE FOR ASSET MANAGEMENT Having attributes with a unique identifier is critically important. The ability to link other databases, such as a billing database, to the GIS and VUEWorks was also critically important. Coordination, from the beginning, with the City’s IT and GIS department personnel with VUEWorks personnel is key.
WHERE DO WE START? Always start from your assets. Low Hanging Fruit. Pick a very asset centric task for your guinea pig. Start with tasks that can be done in the office. Think through work flow within your organization Decide what current databases would you like to include Decide what data you want to link
COMPLAINT/SERVICE CALLS Work flow: 1.Call comes in to office staff for service and or complaint. 2.Office staff create a service request for the appropriate asset with Occupants contact info and location pulled in from BWS billing database. 3.Assigns to Operations Superintendent. This is critical so that the Superintendent knows what calls and issues have come in. They monitor with a filter in the “Open My Service Requests” function. 4.Upon receipt of that service request a work order is generated appropriately to the request. A call is then made to the crew that is tasked to respond. (Once devices are in the field this will happen electronically) 5.By creating the work order at this time, other supervisors or management can see that a request has been received and a response is scheduled.
WORK ORDER COMPLETION 1.If using a device in the field, the work order is completed on the device once the task is completed. However, until that time, we learned some valuable lessons. 2.It is critical not to create orphaned work orders or leave previously created work orders incomplete. To resolve this, one staff member who is knowledgeable with our operations was tasked with entering the paper work orders into VUEWorks when they are turned into the office. 3.Training is critical!!!! 4.Monitoring is also critical!!! 5.Mistakes will happen and when thy do they need to be corrected. 6.Maintain flexibility (This is one key benefit to VUEWorks)
DATA LINKING Two options for linking data: 1.Create a data link to a database. This is useful for connecting to a separate billing or customer database Other potential databases either currently maintained or newly created. 2.Complete a document link for new data Can be done individually as documents are received. Can also be done in batches, if multiple documents are received at one time.
EXPECTED RETURN ON INVESTMENT WITH ASSET MANAGEMENT To reduce time spent by management dispatching crews and logging complaints. To more efficiently plan for CIP projects in the future To be more responsive to our customers and be more efficient in the services we provide. To create an central depository for accessing documents. To create an environment of proactive maintenance instead of reactive maintenance. To provide better information to City Leaders to better educate them on BWS activities and programs. To create a more enjoyable work environment for our staff.
FUTURE DIRECTION OF ASSET MANAGEMENT Fully develop all work order tasks through VUEWorks. Develop an interactive inventory system through VUEWorks. Incorporate existing programs into VUEWorks, i.e. Cross Connection and FOG programs. Develop an active asset valuation tool through VUEWorks for Government auditing purposes.