1 Curriculum development and studies in the Institute of Informatics Peeter Normak
2 Plan 1.Example – the informatics’ bachelor curriculum. 2.Studies at the Institute of Informatics. 3.Quality assurance of curricula in the Institute of Informatics.
3 Example – the bachelor curriculum
4 Bachelor curriculum – objectives 1.To create the prerequisite for learning basic concepts, theoretical bases, most important application domains and the general trends of informatics; 2.Support the formation of competence in software development, to work in software development teams in various roles, including ICT management and support services; 3.Develop students' analytical skills, ability to apply knowledge and skills in solving practical tasks, the ability to use the professional literature and databases, and teamwork skills; 4.Establish conditions for the application of ICT in various areas, as well as understanding risks associated with the implementation of the ICT; 5.Create the conditions for lifelong learning and continuation of education on information technology-related master's curriculums on TU so than in other universities.
5 Bachelor curriculum – learning outcomes The graduate: 1.knows basic computing concepts and principles, important computing applications and major developing trends; 2.knows the ICT terminology in Estonian as well in English and is able to use this on both written and spoken form; 3.manages the basic methods of software development life cycle (requirements specification, design, coding, testing, documentation) including teamwork skills and has overview of software development technologies and methods; 4.can create and process different media types and use them in software development; 5.is ready to comply with professional, ethical and copyright requirements and to assess the opportunities and threats of software applications; 6.manages the techniques necessary for independent study and is able to plan their professional career and to continue their studies in master's level.
6 Bachelor curriculum – general courses Objectives: to create the foundation for development of generic IT skills and analytical methods. Learning outcomes The student, who has successfully completed the module: Knows mathematics-related concepts and methods, that support the learning of core subjects and is ready to utilize them further in studies and work; Knows simple data analysis techniques and is ready to implement them.
7 Bachelor curriculum – objectives of core courses 1.To introduce the basic concepts of informatics, theoretical foundations, key application areas and methods; 2.To introduce the opportunities of wide use of ICT and the potential dangers arising from the use; 3.To build foundation for analytical thinking abilities and professional development.
8 Bachelor curriculum – outcomes of core courses 1.Is familiar with basic computing concepts and principles; 2.Has an overview of important computing applications in both the private and public sectors, as well as major developing trends; 3.Is able to assess the feasibility of implementing the software (including the opportunities and threats); 4.Has the teamwork skills for software development; 5.Is ready to comply with professional, ethical and copyright requirements; 6.Knows the ICT terminology in Estonian as well in English and is able to use this on both written and spoken form; 7.Is able to learn new applications.
9 Bachelor curriculum – Compulsory courses (95 cr) 1.Oral and Written Communication 2.Intellectual Property & Data Protection 3.Ethical and Social Aspects of IT 4.Set Theory and Mathematical Logic 5.Discrete Mathematics 6.Number Theory 7.Data Analysis 8.Theoretical Computer Science 9.Intelligent Systems 10.Cryptology 11.Operating Systems 12.Computer Hardware 13.Computer Networks 1.Programming Basic Course 2.Programming Main Course 3.Web Programming 4.Programming Data Bases 5.XML applications 6.Software Engineering 7.Software Engineering Project 8.Introduction to Information Systems 9.Algorithms and Data Structures 10.Research Seminar I 11.Research Seminar II 12.Research Paper 13.Bachelor Thesis
10 Bachelor Curriculum – optional courses (selection) 1.Current Problems in IT Developm. 2.Python and Zope Web Apps 3.Object Oriented Web Apps 4.Programming in C++ 5.MS Windows Operating System 6.Digital Photography 7.CAM and 3D Models 8.3D Modelling 9.E-Marketing 10.Intelligent Computer Use 1.GLP Based Desktop Environments 2.Methods and Practices of Free SW 3.Practical Placement 4.Creating Digital Documents 5.Using Apple SW 6.Computer Hardware Lab 7.Maintenance of Computers and NWs 8.SE Project II 9.DB Lab 10.Data Tables and Spreadsheets
11 Bachelor SE module – objectives 1.Support the formation of competence in software development, to work in software development teams in various roles, including ICT management and support services; 2.Support the formation of practical competence in creating different software applications, using programming languages and the acquisition of new ones
12 Bachelor SE module – learning outcomes 1.Is able to select and use appropriate tools, technologies and methods in software engineering; 2.Manages all the basic methods of software development life cycle (requirements specification, requirements analysis, general design, detailed design, coding, integration, testing, documentation); 3.Is able to use different programming languages and learn new languages; 4.Is able to create applications based on the procedure- or object oriented paradigm.
13 Bachelor Curriculum – optional modules Software Engineering (24 cr) Compulsory courses: 1.Interface Development for DB 2.Agile Software Development 3.Programming of Applications 4.The.NET Framework 5.Software Testing 6.User Interfaces of Web Apps 7.Web Frameworks Digital Media (24 cr) Compulsory courses: 1.Introduction to Digital Media 2.Computer Graphics 3.Programming Graphics and Music 4.Development of Web Pages 5.Multimedia 6.Media Technologies 7.User-Centered Design Methods
14 Bachelor open electives – objectives 1.Objective of open electives is to create opportunities for students for individual development and realization of student's intellectual interest. 2.Open electives can also be used to raise level of language and social competence. 3.For learning subjects from field in which student will further apply his ICT skills. 4.Also for deepen knowledge’s in informatics, (taking also courses from other universities).
15 Bachelor open electives – learning outcomes 1.Is able to communicate in mother tongue and other language using different communication technologies; 2.Manages the communication skills necessary for work and is ready to be an active member of civil society; 3.Professional knowledge and skill set developed by specific interests and allowing personalized development in the chosen field; 4.CEFR B2 level skills in a foreign language; 5.CEFR C1 level skills in Estonian language for graduates of the schools with Russian as study language.
16 Learning outcome of a single course - example 1.Course title: Software Engineering 2.Size: 3 credits 3.Outcomes. After course a student: Knows software engineering concepts and describes different software engineering processes and various software development life-cycle stages. Gives examples of software development methodologies. Analyzes and explains the meaning of UML diagrams. Analyzes familiar domain and presenting the results with UML diagrams. Can use CASE tools for representing outcomes of analysis. 4.Web page of the course:
17 Bachelor thesis Objective : to allow the students to study and analyse a chosen problem in the field of the curriculum, using state-of-the art theories and methods as well as to develop the skills of academic writing. Learning outcomes: 1.The student is able to use local and global literature and other written materials, also electronic equipment; 2.Knows general quality criteria for exploratory and development work and of the basis of these is able to assess the quality of work of the same level; 3.Knows the basic research types and logic their methodological structure; 4.Is able to set up appropriate research questions and development goals and to plan and carry out theoretical or development research; 5.Is able to structure the research paper, according to the requirements and present the results in convincing way; 6.Can use correct terminology in written and spoken form.
18 Master curricula 1.Interactive Media and Knowledge Environments 2.Management of Information Technology (in Estonian) 3.Educational Technology (in Estonian) 4.Teacher of Informatics, ICT Manager (in Estonian) 5.Multimedia and Learning Systems (to be closed) 6.ICT innovations and Entrepreneurship (not yet started)
19 PhD curriculum – the structure 1.Title – Information Society Technologies. 2.Nominal duration – 4 years (240 credits) 3.Modules: General subjects (18 credits) Major subjects (30) Individual subjects (12) Thesis (180) 4.Admission requirements: Master degree in the field of ICT or corresponding qualification.
20 PhD curriculum – admission 1.Preparation to admission. The usual procedure: an interested person turnes to the head of the PhD curriculum and announces the topic (s)he is interested in; if the topic is relevant to the curriculum, a possible supervisor will be determined; head of the curriculum agrees with the possible supervisor about supervision; the applicant prepares in cooperation with the supervisor the plan. 2.Admissions exam: interview on the topic of previously submitted plan for the doctoral thesis; the plan should be approved by the expected supervisor.
21 PhD curriculum – general subjects Compulsory – Research Methodology Elective– choose 2 or 3 from the list (not complete): Multivariate Statistics: Regression Models and Multivariate Analysis of Variance Multivariate Statistics: Methods for Classifying Variables and Cases Mixed Methods Research Designs Planning and Running R&D Projects Seminar on Qualitative Methods Learning and Teaching in University Academic Writing for Doctoral Students …
22 PhD curriculum – major subjects Compulsory: Information Society approaches and ICT processes ICT Implementation Activities University Practice Electives (choose at least two): Research Seminar Research Trends in Human-Computer Interaction Legal Issues Related to IT-Developments Project Management Terminology Seminar...
23 PhD curriculum – individual subjects Electives (choose at least two): Individual Subject in the Area of Specialization I Individual Subject in the Area of Specialization II Qualifying Exam The supervisor will determine/agree on the electives. Compulsory: PhD Thesis
24 PhD thesis – learning outcomes The student is: internationally known specialist in an ICT problem area and possesses exhaustive knowledge in a topic of the PhD thesis. able to use scientific methods and technologies in analysing and solving ICT related problems. able to compose high level scientific and popular publications and presentations. able to work in a multinational team and as a team leader involve different partners; posses necessary interpersonal and communication skills. able to find innovative and adequate solutions in changing and unexpected situations. independent and responsible in analysing, diagnosing, making decisions and implementations. ready to follow established professional, ethical and intellectual property protection principles. tolerant to diverse attitude and standpoints. ready to analyse its own professional activities as well as plan and realize personal professional growth.
25 Titles of PhD theses – examples 1.Prevention of Social Engineering in Corporate Cyber Defense Strategy. 2.Analysis and Design of Affordances for Appropriative Interaction in Hybrid Learning Ecosystems. 3.Ubiquitous Mobile Interactions. 4.Ontology development in the framework of enterprise application software. 5.Collaborative Tagging Capability in Estonian Public Sector’s Information Systems. 6.Mining unintentional traces of computer usage.
26 Studies at the Institute of Informatics
27 Studies – view of the institute 1.Prepare timetables at least two weeks before the semester starts. 2.Update the course descriptions of the courses that will be taught in coming semester. 3.Collect the course syllabi of the courses that will be taught in coming semester. 4.Open registration (web-based) to the courses one week before the semester starts (registration period – two weeks). 5.Ensure functioning of the facilities. 6.Provide counseling service to the students (4 levels: teaching assistant, Head of Learning, head of curriculum, Director).
28 Studies – view of a student 1.Full time – at least 75%, part time – at least 25%. 2.The only condition for registration to a course – passing prerequisite subjects (if any). 3.Right to pass an exam lasts one year after the course end; after that the student should repeat the course and pay for it. 4.Each student has to register for an exam. Three attempts are possible. All registrations are electronic. 5.Marks: A – 90%, B – 80%, C – 70%, D – 60%, E – 50%, F - fail. 6.Title of the course work and the thesis should be registered as well
29 Studies – timetable 1.Timetable is electronic: 2.Search by: Curricula Courses Teachers Rooms 3.Classes to bachelor students – Monday-Friday. 4.Classes to master students – Friday, Sat, Sun (every 2 nd week). 5.Contact hours – 8:15-9:45, 10:15-11:45, …
30 Quality assurance of curricula in Tallinn University and in the Institute of Informatics
31 Establishing a curriculum 1.Director appoints the Head and the Council of the curriculum. 2.Head of the curriculum coordinates preparation of the curriculum (involvement of employers is compulsory). NB! Top-down method is used, starting from the outcomes of the curriculum. 3.Council of the curriculum approves it. 4.Council of the institute approves it. 5.Committee of Studies of the university approves it. 6.Senate of the university approves it. 7.Curriculum will be registered be the Ministry of Ed&R in Estonian Educational Information System.
32 Curriculum improvement 1.Head of the curriculum prepares improvement suggestions based on the analysis of international trends and on the feedback of: Students (incl centralized compulsory feedback) Graduates Employers 2.Curriculum council approves the changes. 3.The council of the institute approves the changes. 4.The changes to the curriculum will be inserted in the IS of studies of the university. 5.If the curriculum is changed more than 30% then the Senate of the university should approve it.
33 Example: the centralised feedback 1.Feedback is compulsory to students. 2.Compulsory aspects to evaluate: Following the course syllabus by the teacher Availability of course materials Correspondence of the actual amount of work to the credits acquired Clarity of the presentations Possibilities for individual contacts to the teacher The clarity of evaluation/assessment criteria 3.Additionally: comments and freely formulated additional aspects. 4.Marks: 1 (poor), 2 (satisfactory), 3 (good), 4 (very good), 5 (excellent).