Wednesday 10th December
All Year Groups Positive Mental Health meeting Tomorrow Thursday 11 th Dec Miss Kennedy’s room 12.50pm All welcome! FINAL PAYMENT REQUIRED Pupils involved in this theatre trip who have not yet paid in full are reminded that they must pay the balance by Friday, 12 th December at the latest, or their tickets will be given to those on the Reserve List. Payment can be made to Mrs Wewiorski during Intervals, Lunch times or at the start of Drama lessons.
All Year Groups Christmas Concert Rehearsals Sunday, 14 th December All pupils involved in the Drama Items for the Christmas Concert are reminded that they must attend rehearsals this Sunday at the following times: Those involved in Play 1 – 9.00am until 11.00am Those involved in Play 2 – 11.00am until 12.30pm Those involved in the Movement Piece – 1.00pm until 2.00pm If any pupil wishes to stay for the entire rehearsal to offer general assistance it would be much appreciated.
S5/6 Interested in a Career in Law? Corporate & Banking/ Criminal/ Employment/ Personal & Family/ Real Estate/ Sports’ Law information available at the CAREERS IN LAW CONFERENCE. If you would just like information on routes to a career in Law and Police Federation, please come and see Miss McWaters today. Finance Apprentice – An Excellent Opportunity Morgan Stanley is advertising their Finance Apprentice Programme through CAI again this year. This vacancy is currently being advertised on
S2 Beaumartin Restaurant Visit A huge MERCI to all the S2 pupils who went to the Beaumartin restaurant last Friday. The behaviour of all pupils was exemplary and it was great to see so many trying the “escargots, cuisses de grenouilles and the boeuf bourgignon”. The owners, Andrew and Richard, complimented you all on how enthusiastically you tried all the food, especially the desserts, and your impressive use of French in a restaurant situation. BRAVO A TOUS ! Jordan trying frog legs
S1 S1 Dodgeball Tournament All S1 pupils who have signed up for the Dodgeball Tournament should attend the PE Department on Thursday 11 th December at lunchtime.