Long-Range Plan for Technology (LRPT) 2013 Update to Plan
Vision Northwest ISD The best and most sought-after school district where every student is future ready: Ready for college Ready for the global workplace Ready for personal success
NISD LRPT Tech plans are on a three-year cycle with annual revisions: Current plan, 2013 update Key Areas: Teaching & Learning Educator Preparation & Development Administration & Support Infrastructure
Major Accomplishments Closed 8,144 help desk tickets from August 1, 2012 to May 7, 2013 Replaced classroom projectors at Chisholm, Medlin, Hughes, and Nance Successfully opened Wilson MS, with additions at Beck, Granger, and Roanoke OLC Outdoor Wireless Project Microwave network link between BNHS and Denton Creek Serviced 8,000+ netbooks 13,972 accounts
Mobile Learning Focus Group February 14 th Visioning Day What is considered a model classroom for the 21 st century? March 22 nd Visioning Day What activities will students need to perform at all grade levels Documents Created: –21 st Century Model Classroom –Northwest ISD Recommendations
Mobile Learning Committee: Jennifer AllenChandra ClarkJennie GeddieTonya Powell Kila BachShane ConklinTerry HarrisKaren Rue Naomi BatesCharles CooperCasey HelmickDena Saunders Darsi BickleyRichard DanielJordan KendrickCarl Shawn Jason BlackmorDamon EdwardsNancy KruegerCaren Stuebe Karla BurkholderJ.T. EspinosaAshley MavridisKim Swindell Madison ButhIsrael FieldsSarah MennSyed Syyara Paige CantrellSue FitzgeraldRon MyersEric Trevino Skip CarterAshley FreeneyMarina NukalaSusan West Edward ChevallierRon GatlinRory PeacockKathleen Wilson Jason ChildressAndy GebertHunter Perazzo
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Benefits: Student Productivity Student Satisfaction Lower District Device Procurement Costs Challenges: Network and Device Security Support Applications
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) NISD BYOD Policy Document: Student & Parent Responsibilities Safe, Responsible, & Appropriate Use Wireless Network Information Required Device Capabilities for PC, Mac, iPad, and Android Platforms FAQs
BYOD Highlights Required capabilitiesRecommended resources FunctionalityPCMaciPadAndroid Create and edit documents and spreadsheets Google Drive CloudOn Create and edit presentations Google Apps Video and Audio editing Movie Maker Audacity iMovie Garage Band Image editing Photoshop iPhoto Video conferencing Skype Face Time Document markup Adobe Reader iAnnotate Good Reader Document SharingGoogle Drive Dropbox
Minimum Allowable Devices Windows Laptop/Netbook Mac Laptop Google Nexus Tablet (7″ and 10″) iPad/iPad Mini Tablet Google Chromebook
Vendor Evaluation Committee Vendor Presentations and Evaluations May 3 rd Review Committee: Karla BurkholderDamon Edwards Paige CantrellTerry Harris Edward ChevallierKaren Rue Emily ConklinCarl Shawn Shane ConklinRob Thornell Charles Cooper
Teacher Device Standard Dell Latitude Laptop Tablet: –Secondary: Dell Latitude 10 Tablet with case –Elementary: Apple iPad Docking Station External Keyboard/Mouse Document Stand Laptop Bag
Student Device Standard Dell Latitude 10 Tablet with case Dell Latitude Laptop available for checkout (5:1 Ratio) iPad Carts available for checkout (4 MS, 5 HS)
Budget Projections $ Each2013/142014/152015/162016/17Total Teacher: Windows Laptop & Tablet $1,723$1,083,997$70,988$81,326 $78,339 $1,314,649 Student: Windows Tablet & Keyboard Case $629 $3,192,804 $3,028,006 $426,462 $400,673 $7,047,945 Carts: Use Teacher Laptops $40,000 $50,000 $20,000 $10,000 $120,000 iPad Carts (4 MS, 5 HS) $267,400 $334,250 $133,700 $66,850 $802,200 Total: $4,584,201 $3,483,244 $661,488 $555,862 $9,284,794
LRTP Teacher Standard DescriptionTimeline Teacher Laptop Refresh After student device deployments Work with campuses to schedule Secondary Teacher Windows Tablet Deployment Before TechnoPalooza (Jul 24-25) Elementary Teacher iPad DeploymentBefore TechnoPalooza (Jul 24-25)
LRTP Student Standard DescriptionTimeline MS Netbook PrepSummer HS Netbooks PrepSummer Extra Netbooks to Elementary CampusesFirst six weeks of school year HS Windows Tablet Deployment Normal distribution: Registration, and first week of school. HS Student Laptop Carts Deployment (5:1 Ratio) As teacher units become available
Dell Value Adds Dell Learning Platform $ 574,000 Dell Windows 8 Proof of Concept engagement $ 23,000 Dell Trade to Save $ 20,000 AssistX $ 20,000 Doceri $ 2,500 Dell support of NISD (Strive-N-Drive) $ 12,000 Professional Learning $ 92,000 $ 743,500
Professional Development Technopalooza –Operating system (Window 8 & iOS) –Using the tablet for learning Atomic Learning –24 x 7 instructional videos –Windows 8 –iOS 6
Professional Development Summer Professional Development –Targeted instruction for tablet devices in the classroom iPad Academy New Teacher Boot Camp Technology Integration Academy On site teacher training as devices deployed on campuses