PLANTS 1.Uses 2.Classification 3.Parts
Part 1- Plants as Food 1.A bout 10,000 used for food 2.C ultivation began 11,000 yrs. Ago in the Fertile Cresent 3.W heat, barley, lentils, & peas were first 4.O lives, dates, and grapes soon followed
Cereals 1.G ramineae family (grass family) 2.R ich in carbohydrates 3.E x.- Rice, wheat, corn, oats, sorghum, rye, millet
Legumes MMMMembers of the pea family PPPProtein rich seeds in pods EEEEx.- peas peanuts soybeans FFFForm symbiotic relationships with bacteria
Root Crops NNNNutrients stored in the roots of underground stems EEEExcellent source of carbs, vitamins, and minerals EEEExample: Carrots, Potatoes
Fruits Def- modified flower part enclosing a seed Types 1. Berries 2. Pomes 3. Nuts 4. Grains
Other facts about plants related to food Famine- long widespread shortages of food (supply does not meet demand) Agroforestry- planting crops along side of trees to prevent erosion and shield crops Mixed Cropping- planting 2 or more crops in the same field.
Plants as Medicine Plants as Medicine DDDDrug Treats Source 1.D igitalis heart dis. foxglove 2.S alicylic acid pain willow bark 3.Q uinine malaria cinchona bark 4.M orphine pain opium poppy 5.C odeine pain opium poppy
Plants as Fibers 1.C otton 2.L inen 3.P apyrus reed 4.L inseed oil 5.C ellophane and Rayon
Part 2- Classification 1.Carolus Linnaeus
Two Categories VVVVascular NNNNon-vascular
Non-vascular plants No vascular tissue No plant organs App. 23,000 species of mosses, liverworts, and hornworts Known as the Bryophytes
Vascular Plants HHHHave water conducting tissue HHHHave plant organs FFFFurther divided
Seed plants vs. Non-seed plants Seed plants = evergreens Non-seed plants = ferns
Seed plants (divided into) Gymnosperms nnnnon flowering EEEEx. Cycads, ginkos, conifers and gnetophytes Angiosperms Flowering plants Ex. endless
Monocotyledonae (monocot) or dicotyledonae (dicot) Monocot SSSSingle cotyledon PPPParallel veins 3333 part flower symmetry EEEEx. Lilies, irises. Orchids, corn etc.. OOOOver 90,000 species Dicots TTTTwo cotyledons NNNNet venation 4444 or 5 part flower symmetry EEEEx. Beans, lettuce, oaks, maples
Classification Chart Plants Vascular Seed Gymnosperm Angiosperm Monocot Dicot Non-seed Non-vascular
Extra Terms Cotyledon- seed leaf Monocot- one seed leaf Dicot- two seed leaves Seed- structure containing the embryo
Extra Terms Cont. Xylem- transports water and minerals up to the leaves Phloem- transports sugar (Down) from the leaves to all parts of the plant
Part 3
Tissues 1.P arenchyma 2.C ollenchyma 3.S clerenchyma PPPPage
Systems 1.V ascular System 2.D ermal System 3.G round Tissue System
Organs 1. Roots 2. Stems 3. Leaves
Leaf Basics 1.D ef- thin, flat organs used to capture sunlight and carry out photosynthesis 2. M odifications TTTTendrils SSSSpines of Cactuses LLLLeaves of insectivorous plants -ex. Venus flytrap
Leaf Structure/Parts 1.B lade -This part enables transpiration to occur 2.P etiole
Types of Leaves 1.S imple Leaves 2.C ompound Leaves
Extra Terms dealing with leaves 1.T ranspiration 2.V enation 3.S toma 4.G uard cells 5.T urgor pressure