JAVORIA S. BRYANT Hello, My name is Javoria Bryant and I graduated from Miami University last August with a Bachelors of Art in Psychology. I’m currently the Director of a private school that offers care from 6 weeks through kindergarten. I have over 15 years experience working with children including youth summer camp programs, before and after school enrichment, and assisting as a teacher’s aide. Some of my hobbies include, I.Dancing II.Having fun with my family and friends III.Napping! I enjoy taking naps
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND As a child I attended both public and private schools. From Kindergarten through 4 th grade, I attended private schools on two different military bases. Once my family moved back to the states I got to experience the public school system. It began as a rocky road learning the new culture and rules of public school but I stuck it out and graduated top of my class. Goooooo Sharks! I don’t think that I had one key experience that had a lasting impact on me because all of my experience in both private and public schools help shape and mold me into the woman I am today. I do remember in high school having a team of teachers that significantly impacted my life and achievements. We were called the “Dream Team” and it was their job to make the small class of 62 become the first graduating class and become successful. Their drive to keep me focused was like no other and even to this day, they keep in touch. To me it showed that being an educator is not just within the walls of the school but also being able to guide the student through life.
MASTER ASPIRATIONS By attaining my masters degree I hope that I am able to reach my goal of working in a school setting as a school counselor or in the school as an administrator. A Master’s degree in Higher Education will help me to obtain these goals because it will give me more insight into the educational realm. I want to be able to provide more input at my current job over curriculum, while also planning to possibly open my own young enrichment program. On a personal note, a master’s degree will also show my daughter that the sky is the limit when it comes to education and your personal aspirations.
EDUCATION QUOTE This quote by Nelson Mandela speaks volumes to me because school in general seems impossible until you’ve completed that journey.
REFERENCE PAGE Present.me ( Present.mehttps://present.me/ impossible-until-it-s-done