BELL WORK 11/11/15 What are the two primary goals for all living organisms? All species want to: _____________________ AND _____________________ All living things must adapt in order to achieve some evolutionary advantage, and achieve these goals.
BELL WORK 11/12/15 In order to survive and reproduce, organisms need to ____________ to their environment A.Move From B.Fight for C.Adapt D.Remodel Can you provide examples or organisms doing this?
BELL WORK 11/13/15 ASAP DAY Humans in 1000 years
BELL WORK 11/16/2015 Draw this diagram
BELL WORK 11//17/15 Which of the following best describes what the term species refers to? A.A group of organisms that share similar characteristics B.A group of closely related organisms that live in the same ecosystem C.A group of organisms that share characteristics and are able to reproduce D.A group of closely related organisms
BELL WORK 11/18/15 Which will lead to competition amongst a species for which the better “fit” or “adapted” organism will survive and reproduce? A.Speciation B.Variation C.Selective Breeding D.Overproduction
BELL WORK 11/19/15 Similar structures that related species have inherited from a common ancestor are called? A.Adaptations B.Punctuated equilibria C.Ancestral structures D.Homologous structures
BELL WORK 11/20/15 ASAP DAY Will This Hypnotize You?
BELL WORK 11/30/15 Be prepared to share animal adaptations from the life video. Were they behavioral or physical?
BELL WORK : 1 ST OF DECEMBER, 2015 Species often adapt to their environment or surroundings by hiding out, gathering food, giving warning signs, or avoiding predators. These behaviors would best fit which of the following? A.Innate behavior B.Learned behavior C.Seasonal behavior D.Survival behavior
BELL WORK 12/2/2015 What is the difference between Biotic and Abiotic factors within an environment?
BELL WORK 3/10/15 What is an Animal? Jot down features or characteristics that set ANIMALS apart from other LIVING THINGS Animals Have Many Cells Sexual Reproduction Can Move Develop from Embryos Specialized Parts Consumers
BELL WORK 3/11/15 Katy Perry Came Over For Good Songs What does this Acronym Stand for with Biological Classifications?
BELL WORK 3/16/2015 In you own words Define: Genetics- Heredity- Punnet Square Virtual Lab
BELL WORK MARCH 17, 2015 About 90 percent of all animals could be classified as what? a.Vertebrates b.Invertebrates c.Consumers d.Producers
BELL WORK 3/19/15 a.In which boxes would you find a heterozygous allele? b.In which boxes would you find a “carrier” of a recessive gene? c.Write the gene pair for both mother and father. Rr rr Rr rr
BELL WORK MARCH 24, 2015 Why would or could you get in trouble at either: home, school, or in public (any situation)? BEHAVIOR The way in which a living thing acts in response to a particular situation or stimulus (cause) within an environment
BELL WORK MARCH 26TH, 2015 Animals have an innate feeling of when to do certain things throughout the day (or even year). This natural feeling of knowing when to do something daily is known as? a.Hibernation b.Estivation c.Procrastination d.Circadian Rhythm
BELL WORK APRIL 6, 2015 Which Phylum is accountable for 95% of all animals? A.Arthropoda B.Chordata C.Annelida D.Mollusca E. psajb_jChttps:// psajb_jC
BELL WORK 4/7/2015 Which color would most likely be found on a poisonous animal? A.Black B.Orange C.Brown D.Green Poisonous animals tend to have bright colors that serve as indication they are trouble. Also, animals will mimic bright colors to act as poisonous imposters.
BELL WORKAPRIL 8,2015 No matter where you live or where you are born, it is possible to be bilingual. Language(s) is an example of which behavior? A.Innate behavior B.Learned behavior C.Seasonal behavior D.Survival behavior
In Africa, which class of animals is in the least trouble of extinction ? What factors contribute to animal extinction? BELL WORK 4/9/15
BELLWORK As we read about Classifying animals record definitions for the following terms: Taxons Species
BELL WORK 4/1/14 List benefits or reasons why animals could be better suited to live with a group of animals or on their own. Living in a groupSolitary Living
BELL WORK APRIL 15, 2014 In what ways are humans and fish alike? Is there a point in their lives when they are more like each other than not?
BELL WORK 4/22/14 Which animal do you think has an exoskeleton made of chitin? A.Jellyfish B.Groundhog C.Earthworm D.Beetle
BELL WORKMAY 18,2011 On page 13 Copy down questions 1-3 Answer each with a complete thought 1. To remove themselves from difficult conditions (food/water shortage or cold weather) 2. The sun or stars, landmarks (trees, rocks, etc.), Earth’s magnetic field, Smell/Odor, Mental Map 3. Both are periods of inactivity (low heart rate, breathing)f or survival. Hibernation during winter and estivation during summer Page 17 Question number 1
BELL WORK Make the following chart Animal (common name)Description of Behavior OR Adaptation
MAY 19, 2011 Which of the following would be true living in groups? A.Attracts predators B.Helps prey spot predators C.Helps animals find food D.All of the above