Healthy Work Habits for Injury Prevention
Objectives: Increase awareness of ways to prevent injury Understand what is a ‘Musculoskeletal Injury’ (MSI) Raise Awareness of Risk Factors for MSIs Review “STABLE” principles - concept of body mechanics Apply STABLE principles to tasks of custodial workers
FACTS about Injuries Research shows that injuries are rarely the result of one particular event It is more common that injuries are “cumulative” or happen over time As we age, our bodies’ change - decreased flexibility in our joints, weakened muscles Increased inefficiency in our “old” work postures
What is a Musculoskeletal Injury (MSI)? Definition: An injury or disorder to the muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, nerves, blood vessels or other related soft tissues
Soft Tissue Anatomy Muscles Tendons Ligaments Joints Nerves Blood Vessels
MSI Risk Factors Physical Demands of a task that pose as Risk Factors include: Force Required Repetition Duration Work Postures Local Contact Stress
MSI Risk Factors (con’t) Workplace layout Characteristics of objects handled Environmental conditions Organization of work
Risk Factors (continued): Awkward Posture The Spine is 16 x stronger when maintaining a neutral, S-Curve alignment
MSI Risk Factor Controls GOAL is to ‘eliminate’ or ‘reduce’ identified risk factors by: Eliminate exposure to the risk factors Reduce intensity/magnitude of the exposure Reduce the frequency of the exposure Reduce the duration of the exposure
REALITY! It is recognized that there are certain instances where “optimal body mechanics” are not realistic - but they are RARE - keep them rare TIME CONSTRAINTS or WORK LOAD Unpredictable situations Use safe practices as often as possible to REDUCE the wear and tear of your BODY!
Body Mechanics Body Mechanics refers to the movements of the body. Using correct body mechanics reduces the load of stress on the spine and joints in various positions while moving objects. In this way, good body mechanics help prevent injury. ‘S.T.A.B.L.E.’ principle is an acronym for body mechanic principles for injury prevention
S-T-A-B-L-E Principles: S = Maintaining the natural curves in your SPINE ears over the shoulder, shoulder over hips, knees ahead eyes forward, bottom and chest out (but not over-exaggerated
S-T-A-B-L-E Principles T = Avoid TRUNK TWISTING, especially when carrying weight trunk twisting places compression forces on discs trunk twisting places strain on the ligaments keep shoulders over hips and keep toes pointing in direction of movement
S-T-A-B-L-E Principles A = Keep ARMS close to your body allows for improved control of objects or equipment being handled allows for the muscles designed for carrying loads to do the work minimizes muscles designed for movement and stabilization from having to carry loads
S-T-A-B-L-E Principles B = Maintain a wide BASE OF SUPPORT staggered stance is encouraged for maximum stability and mobility
S-T-A-B-L-E Principles L = Use your LEGS to do the LIFTING muscles in our legs are thick and rope-like and are designed for lifting Observational research shows that it is common for workers to depend on their back and shoulders for pushing and pulling
S-T-A-B-L-E Principles E = Evaluate the ENVIRONMENT, the load, your capabilities environment = working surfaces, heights, equipment load = size, shape, consistency, required handling
S-T-A-B-L-E S=Maintain natural curves in SPINE T=Avoid TRUNK TWISTING A=Keep your ARMS close to your body B=Maintain a wide BASE OF SUPPORT L=Let the LEGS do the LIFTING E=EVALUATE your environment, load and capabilities
Using S-T-A-B-L-E Principles for Custodial Tasks Sweeping Mopping Pushing carts Vacuuming Emptying garbage cans Emptying garbage into the dumpsters
Warm-ups and Stretch Breaks Warm up before you work Stretch during your shift Increases muscle flexibility Increases blood flow and nutrients to the muscles Decreases chances of an injury by up to 30%
General Fitness Promotes muscle balance Prepares the body for unpredictable tasks or environmental situations A joint is only as strong as the muscles surrounding it Flexible muscles are more efficient
FACT or FICTION? 1.MDs can’t always find the real cause of low back pain 2.CT scans, MRI Scans and X-Rays will always reveal the cause of pain 3.Bad backs and joints can be best fixed by surgery 4.Spine is fragile 5.If I get plenty of rest my back will get better
True of False? 6.Pain medication is the only effective solution for pain relief 7.Back problems are usually temporary 8.If my back/shoulder hurts more after I’ve increased activity, I’ve damaged it 9.My feelings influence my pain (when I’m angry, I feel more pain) 10. I can return to work even if I’m not 100%
You only have one body! Take care of it! The End – Any Questions? You only have one body! Take care of it!
Questions and Discussion