Chapter 1 Notes
The study of the earth and all it’s variety. Why study Geography? Geography links the past, present, and future!! Geography explains why things are the way they are today!!
Globe 3D representation of the earth Most accurate True distance and direction (scaled down) Lack of Detail Map 2D representation of the earth Problem = Distortion (from 3D to 2D) Better detail Cartographer – map makers
Projections – Different ways to show 3D earth on a flat map Planar, Cylindrical, Conic (Pg. 6)
Answer the question – Where is it? 2 Methods Relative Location: determining a location by comparing it to another known location Absolute Location: pinpointing a locations using the grid system (latitude and longitude) (Pg. 8)
Dividing the earth into smaller parts Northern/Southern Divided by the equator Eastern/Western Divided by the prime meridian
Turn to Pg. 10 Title Key (Symbols) Scale (Distance) Small Scale See more (Zoom Out) Large Scale More Detail (Zoom In) Orientation (Compass Rose)
Physical Map Shows physical features of the earth (Topography) Shows landforms, bodies of water, etc Use Elevation (height above sea level) and Relief (change in elevation)
Political Map Show human-made characteristics of earth Boundaries, cities, states, nations, etc Both Physical and Political Maps can show aspects of both types of maps
Thematic Map Show a particular kind of information Qualitative Information related to a certain area Flow-line Illustrates movement of people, animals, goods, and ideas, etc. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Software designed to accept various data layers in combination with other layers of information LOOK FOR YOUTUBE
How have these features affected people over time? How have they been both good and bad for people? Mountain Range, River, Ocean, Lake, Desert, Valley, Peninsula, Island,
Location – Where is it? Relative: a site compared to another know location Absolute: using the grid system (latitude and longitude)
Place – What is it like when you get there? Physical and Human features of a site that sets it apart from another place. Unique features that give an area its own identity. Landforms, human features, etc.
Region – What do locations have in common? A large area unified by physical or human characteristics. Common features set region apart from others but also unify it. Language, economics, politics, food, etc.
Movement – How and why do people and things move around? Cause and effect of human migration. This causes Cultural Diffusion: the mixing of cultures and customs.
Human-Environmental Interaction – What do people do to the environment? People alter the environment to meet their needs. Changes can be good or harmful. Roads, dams, bridges, tunnels, etc.
Help us understand how physical features are created Explains why things are the way they are today Show us how living things developed in the past Interprets current trends Gather Data about the earth Help us plan to build a better future
Direct Observation - Study the earth by visiting and observing. Remote sensing also. (Satellite, Arial Photos) Mapping - (Cartography) Information/Data put into an understandable form. Interviewing - Talking to people to gather information. Analyzing Statistics - Data collected by Observation/Interviewing must be studied and organized. Using Technology - Scientific instruments, Computer software (GIS), Satellites, etc. all help Geographers.
Geography works together with History, Economics, Political Science, Natural Science, and other fields of study. Geography can help us understand other subjects.
Geographers work in a variety of other fields. Education, Transportation, Conservation, Government, Business, Meteorology, Construction, Health care, Economic Development, Urban Planning, etc.