abcdefghijkl Statistics and the Scottish Executive Nic Krzyzanowski Office of the Chief Statistician
abcdefghijkl 2 Aims Statistics in the Scottish Executive Overview of service Products and statistics Routes of dissemination Development of web presence
abcdefghijkl 3 Statistics in the Scottish Executive Provide relevant and reliable statistical information, analysis and advice that meets the needs of government, business and the people of Scotland Approx. 100 professional statisticians
abcdefghijkl 4 Objectives Produce statistics and analysis relevant to user needs Ensure effective use of our statistics Work effectively with users and providers Develop the quality of statistics Assure the integrity of statistics Ensure the efficient delivery of statistics products and services Develop our workforce and competences
abcdefghijkl 5 SCOTSTAT Network for users and providers of Scottish Official statistics Improve communication Working groups Committees for each topic Over-arching board
abcdefghijkl 6 Responding to change Meet changing needs Cross-cutting policy issues Better focus on current issues Age, Gender, Ethnicity Neighbourhood Statistics
abcdefghijkl 7 Collection of data Administrative systems Surveys Population Census
abcdefghijkl 8 Publications
abcdefghijkl 9 Publication strategy National Statistics are used by a wide community inside and outside government Maximise use of our statistical information Comply with legal, ethical and confidentiality constraints
abcdefghijkl 10 Publication strategy – key principles Knowing our customers Informing our users Common identity Web focus Charging Accessibility Freedom of Information
abcdefghijkl 11 Release practices Number and type of releases Pre-announcement Timing and format of releases Pre-release access Availability of detailed results
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abcdefghijkl 13 Statistics by topic Agriculture and Fisheries Businesses Children Community Care Crime and Justice Economy Environment Health Housing Labour Market Lifelong Learning Local Government Finance Planning Population and Migration School Education Social and Welfare Tourism, Culture and Sport Transport and Travel
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abcdefghijkl 15 Developments Dissemination Radical re-design of web site How statistics are held Maintaining and updating background data
abcdefghijkl 16 Metadata and Accessibility “Data about data” Summary of the form and content of a resource e-GMS Support resource discovery and records management Official records will not always be stored in paper format – ERDM Makes it easier to manage or find information Website designed to comply with international web accessibility standards World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
abcdefghijkl 17 Feedback We want your views Nic Krzyzanowski