December MULTILINGUAL DOMAIN NAMES JOINT ITU/WIPO Symposium - European Perspective - Richard Delmas DG Information Society Brussels EUROPEAN COMMISSION
December World Dimension of IDN Source: Global Internet Statistics
December EU Dimension of IDN - World: 3500 spoken languages. - EU: 15 nations, 11 languages and soon + 5 more languages minimum - Europe at large: 32 languages of “States” or 50 languages including demographic languages and official dialects. - Four scripts: latin, greek, cyrillic, arabic, different graphs, accents
December Nomen and DNS Nominalism: From Guillaume d’Ockham ( ) to Vint Cerf Denomination and language: From Guillaume Postel ( ) to John Postel Universal classification: From Paul Otlet ( ) to Kim Veltman Law and Rules of Code: From Lao Tseu (600 a.c.) to Lawrence Lessig
December Institutional Framework European Charter of Fundamental Rights (citizen rights, identity, culture) European Charter of regional and minority languages, Council of Europe (promotion, development, culture…) EU Treaty: articles 149, 128 EU Programmes: IST, e-content
December Why a Multilingual & Semantic Web ? Right of access information Diversity of culture and language e-Europe, Trans-european Networks (interoperability) Need for classification & content presentation, Meta Data, Memecs,... EU Web Accessibility Initiative E-content Projects:
December International Organisations and Fora ITU, WIPO, OECD, WTO, UNESCO IETF, ICANN, GAC MINC, CDNC, JPNIC, KRNIC,... W3C, IEEE, ISO, Unicode Consortium, EDIRA ICT Partnership, ECC-ISOC, CECUA, CEPIS, UNICE, etc.: Users MoU
December NEXT STEPS Future DNS: innovation vs competition, growth & employment, common goods Study Convergence with identification systems, R & D Promote Users Requirements: confidence, clarity, affordability, quality of service, ergonomics European Internet Governance: Diversity and Solidarity, International cooperation, Access to Information