B-factories Legacy Book 11st Meeting, SLAC, Oct 2009 Section Editors BaBar: Stephen Sekula Belle: Roberto Mussa Bottomonium Sketch B-factories Legacy Book Meeting SLAC, Oct 30-31
B-factories Legacy Book 21st Meeting, SLAC, Oct 2009 Papers BaBar Published eta_b (discovery) R_b scan Y(4S) -> X + Y(nS) PRL102: PRD78: PRL101: Foreseen papers in time to be included in the book: eta_b confirmation h_b Higgs -> leptons, hadrons, invisible Y->invisible D-wave Upsilon states chi_b transition studies Exclusive final states (eta_b, chi_b) Y->charm Belle Published Y(4S) -> X + Y(nS) Y->invisible PRD75: PRL96: PRL98: Foreseen papers in time to be included in the book : Higgs->leptons Y->X (hadrons, baryons, charm/charmonium, etc.) (represents many papers)
B-factories Legacy Book 31st Meeting, SLAC, Oct 2009 Section subdivision Section Bottomonium Subsection Common Techniques tagging by transisitons, inclusive photon work, multi-channel exclusive final-state reconstruction. Subsection e+e- energy scans discuss results, fits to results, of energy scans from Belle + BaBar Subsection Spectroscopy Subsubsection eta_b Subsubsection h_b Subsubsection chi_b Subsubsection Y(nD) Subsection Transitions between states, including hadronic and radiative Subsection Decays annihilation to hadrons, etc. Subsection Physics Beyond the Standard Model Subsubsection Light Higgs Searches Subsubsection Light Dark Matter Searches Subsubsection Search for Lepton Flavor Violation Subsubsection Test of Lepton Universality Rough page estimate, ~100 pages.
B-factories Legacy Book 41st Meeting, SLAC, Oct 2009 Inter-correlation Higgs –related to radiative penguin physics (b→sνν ̅, b→sℓℓ) Dark Matter –related to inclusive physics (e+e- → 4leptons), B decays (B→Kνν ̅, B → invisible,...) Do we need a “New Physics” overview chapter covering cross-topic physics?
B-factories Legacy Book 51st Meeting, SLAC, Oct 2009 Contributors Confirmed (beside section editors) BaBar: Chris West (eta_b) Belle: in progress Un-confirmed BaBar: 8 Belle: 6
B-factories Legacy Book 61st Meeting, SLAC, Oct 2009 Comments