Milady’s Standard Cosmetology LIFE SKILLS 2 Copyright © 2004 by Delmar Learning, a division of Thomson Learning,Inc.
2 PSYCHOLOGY OF SUCCESS Success can be defined in different ways. For some, it’s how much money they make. For others, it’s career satisfaction or helping others. Real success is all the various elements that come together to make a person truly multidimensional.
2 GUIDELINES FOR SUCCESS Build self-esteem. Visualize. Build on your strengths (see separate slide). Be kind to yourself. Define success for yourself. Practice new behaviors. Keep your personal life separate from your work. Keep your energy up. Respect others.
2 STAY PRODUCTIVE Procrastination robs you of self-esteem. Perfectionism is a compulsion to do things perfectly, and is unhealthy. Lack of a plan gets you nowhere. Develop your game plan in chunks of time from daily to weekly, to monthly, and then yearly.
2 BUILD ON YOUR STRENGTHS Whatever you do well, DO IT! Feel better about yourself. Maintain a positive self- image. Figure 2-2
2 MOTIVATION AND SELF-MANAGEMENT Motivation provides a reason to act. Motivation is the ignition for success. Self-management is the fuel that keeps you going. Motivation is NOT a life skill; self-management is. Self-management is relying on yourself.
2 SATISFYING HUMAN NEEDS Physical Emotional Social Mental Spiritual
2 ACCESSING CREATIVE CAPABILITY Stop criticizing yourself. Stop asking others what to do. Change your vocabulary. Do not try to go it alone.
2 MANAGING YOUR CAREER A mission statement sets forth your values and future goals. We all need a sense of purpose and a reason for being, and that becomes validated when we have a personal, written mission statement. “I AM DEDICATED TO PURSUING A SUCCESSFUL LIFE WITH DIGNITY, HONESTY, AND INTEGRITY.” Design a mission statement.
2 GOAL SETTING Set short-term goals—next 12 months. Set long-term goals—3, 5, or 10 years. Reexamine goals to ensure staying on track.
2 TIME MANAGEMENT Expert Tips Prioritize. Design a personal system. Avoid stress. Learn to say “No.” Learn to problem-solve. Take time-outs. Keep notes. Figure 2-8
2 TIME MANAGEMENT Schedule. Identify most productive times. Reward yourself. Get exercise and recreation. Schedule blocks of free time. Develop “to-do” lists.
2 STUDY SKILLS Learning Styles Interactive learners—imaginative learners Reader/listener learners—analytical learners Systematic learners—common sense learners Intuitive learners—dynamic learners
2 Principles of good character Proper conduct Moral judgment Expressed through personality, human relation skills, and professional image Moral principles by which we live and work ETHICS
2 ETHICAL CHARACTERISTICS Honesty Compassion Attentiveness Punctuality Cooperativeness Pleasant, agreeable personality Commitment
2 OTHER QUALITIES OF ETHICAL PEOPLE Self-care—taking care of yourself Discretion—avoiding gossip; maintaining confidentiality; observing professional boundaries Integrity—matching your behavior to your values Communication— interacting honestly, clearly, and directly
2 PERSONALITY AND ATTITUDE Character Behavior Emotions Combined characteristics Personality defines who you are.
2 PERSONALITY AND ATTITUDE Attitude Mental position toward a person, fact, or state of affairs Your outlook; what you believe Influenced by parents, teachers, friends, books, movies, etc. Can be changed and controlled
2 INGREDIENTS OF A HEALTHY WELL- DEVELOPED ATTITUDE Diplomacy Tone of voice Emotional stability Sensitivity Values and goals Receptivity Communication skills Figure 2-11
2 HUMAN RELATIONS The study of human problems arising from organizational and interpersonal relations. The best way to understand others— understand yourself.
2 PERSONAL SECURITY When we feel secure, we are happy, calm,confident, cooperative, and trusting. When we feel insecure, we become worried,anxious, overwhelmed, angry, suspicious, uncooperative, and sometimes hostile or withdrawn.
2 SOCIAL INTERACTION When we feel secure, we like to interact with others. We can help people feel secure around us by being respectful, trustworthy, and honest.
2 HANDLING DIFFICULT SITUATIONS Some people create conflict wherever they go. They are rude, insensitive, or so full of themselves that being considerate does not enter their minds. Try to remember that such people at those particular times feel insecure or else they would not be acting that way.
2 RESPOND INSTEAD OF REACTING When you “react,” you are no longer in control. Take deep breaths and tell yourself that you do not have to take a negative situation or behavior personally.
2 BELIEVE IN YOURSELF Trust in your judgment, uphold your values, stick to what you believe is right, and develop a strong sense of self-worth.
2 TALK LESS, LISTEN MORE The same letters that spell listen also spell silent! Remember the old saying that we were given two ears and one mouth for a reason.
2 BE ATTENTIVE Pay attention to what the client’s wants and needs are. If one is too aggressive, ask your supervisor or teacher for advice. At all costs, remain calm and practice active listening skills.
2 TAKE YOUR TEMPERATURE If you notice chronic negative personal behaviors once you are in a job, pay careful attention to what is happening. An important part of being in a service profession is taking care of yourself first and resolving personal conflicts so that you can properly take care of your clients.
2 GOLDEN RULE OF HUMAN RELATIONS Communicate from your heart; problem-solve from your head. A smile is worth a million times more than a sneer. It is easy to make an enemy; it is harder to keep a friend. Ask for help instead of just reacting. Show you care by listening and trying to understand.
2 SUMMARY The key to managing our life skills and our time is event control. We have discussed a number of strategies, tips, and rules for better managing our time and our lives. We can change our lives by changing our attitudes. We become what we think about ourselves. We must practice what we do, whether it is a technical skill, an attitude, or a behavior, correctly.