AP Physics C Some Potentially useful information
AP Physics C The course is broken into 2 main parts : 1) electro-magnetism (e-statics, fields, circuits, e/m interactions, etc.) 2) mechanics (motion, forces, energy, etc.) Of the 2 main parts, electro-magnetism is much more difficult and we will cover that in the 1st part of the class
AP Physics C We cover less topics than AP Physics B but cover them in more detail and depth “Math expectations”: some calculus is used but it is at a fairly basic level. If you are taking calculus concurrently or have had one class in this you should be fine.
AP Physics C Class structure We’ll break the topics into units of which there are about 12 units. Each unit will consist of…. “lecture” & discussion, ideally a lab (not all units will have a lab) Text book problems AP Problems from past years Quiz at the end of the unit (free response plus multiple choice)
AP Physics C Much of the class time will be spent working on problems from the book, workbook, or computers. Use the time wisely while you are here and you’ll be successful
AP Physics C The AP Physics C test There are 2 different tests, 1)mechanics and 2) electro-magnetism Each has a separate score and fee$$$. Last year’s scores Mechanics: 100% pass rate (ave = 4.1, 17 students took the test) E/M: 73% pass rate (ave = 3.5, 15 students took the test)
AP Physics C So….it’s your senior year……….. Be here because you plan on a science major in college (or you really like physics) Taking the AP test?