Previous Actions Revised sign code adopted in December Supreme Court ruling on content neutrality On December 17, 2015, City Council directed staff to meet with community stakeholders to critique code Stakeholder meetings held: December 18, Orange City Alliance January 15, Orange City Alliance January 25, Orange City Merchant Association reps On March 2, 2016 the Planning Commission discussed the proposed sign code Continued the April hearing at the request of OCMA Received comments and met with OCMA rep on April 28,
Content Neutrality Corporate colors Incidental/secondary signs Freestanding directory signs Freestanding pedestrian directory signs Incidental directional ground signs Incidental community identification signs Directory wall signs Menu board wall signs Figurative wall signs Historic marker signs Service entrance wall signs Incidental gas pump signs Canopy and service station canopy signs 3 Incidental Ground Signs More than 5 acres50%6 With Drive-Thru windows246 Less than 5 acres23 Mechanical0.5 Incidental Wall Signs Hanging Blade4na Multi-tenant building6na
Purpose Eliminates duplicate, confusing or conflicting provisions Streamlines sign permit review and waiver process Increases copy area for ground and wall signs Relocates like provisions into same section Allows changeable copy on ground signs Consolidates incidental signs 4
Process Efficiency Sign Review Permit vs. Building Permit Landscaping maintenance/replacement program Sound amplification device and vehicle signs conditional use Administrative variance 5
Sign Districts 6 DeLand Square FeetHeight in Feet Ground Signs Less than 2.5 acres acres6812 Greater than 5 acres12812 Greater than 20 acres15012 Wall Signs Less than 50 ft lengthX ft lengthMax 100 More than 200 ft lengthMax 150 Deltona Ground Signs Arterial roadways488 All other roadways328 Wall Signs Building lengthX 1.5Max 25% DeBary Ground Signs488 Wall SignsX1.5Max 25% Volusia County Ground Signs408 Wall SignsX2.0
7 Orange City Ground Signs Gateway Square FeetHeight in Feet Saxon/Ent Square FeetHeight in Feet PROPOSED Square FeetHeight in Feet Residential & Civic Uses Any size property under 4 units 0NA0 Less than 4 units0NA Any size property 4-8 units 4444 Less than 1 acre 9-16 units Less than 1 acre 4-16 units acres units acres units acres units acres units 368 More than 12 acres or 100 units More than 12 acres or 100 units 488 Single Business acres acres acres acres acres acres acres 609 More than More than Multi-Tenant Business acres acres acres acres acres acres acres 7210 More than More than
Orange City West Volusia Cities Traditional district 1 square foot per linear footage Gateway and Saxon districts 1.5 square feet per linear footage Maximum 80 square feet DeBary 1.5 square feet- no one sign larger than 80 sq.ft. DeLand 1 square foot- Max 100 sq.ft./50’+. Max 150 sq.ft./200’+ Deltona 1.5 square feet- 25% of building height County 2 square feet- Max Wall Sign Copy Area
Existing Proposed Allows digital changeable copy on ground signs for gas stations only: 20% maximum Numeric text only Can not scroll, flicker or flash 1 time per day limit 9 Changeable Copy Allow changeable copy on any primary monument ground sign with same standards, and added auto- dimming requirement.
Existing Proposed Only for restaurants 6 square feet in area 4 feet in height Requires sign permit Design standards Allow for any business type Revise to 3 feet height limit 10 Temporary Sandwich Boards
OCMA comments 11 Annual sign renewal Increase window coverage from 15% to 40% (staff recommends 25%) Deltona- 50%, but counts towards wall signs DeLand- 25% DeBary 20% Volusia County- Exempt Minor text amendments for clarity from legal and OCMA
ACTION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission find the Ordinance consistent with the comprehensive plan and forward to the City Council for approval with the revisions presented by planning staff. City Council first reading is tentatively scheduled for May 24,