Sleep Disorders Insomnia: Recurring problems falling or staying asleep. There are lots of “remedies” which may actually worsen the problem. Sleeping pills: addicting, prevent REM sleep, the effects last longer than the few hours they are suppose to, so wake up groggy Lunesta : “The exact way LUNESTA works is not known but it is thought to work by interacting with GABA receptors. GABA is one of the most important brain chemicals associated with sleep.” Alcohol: Prevents REM Sleep, consumption in late afternoon, evening will cause wakefulness during 2 nd half of sleep
Sleep Disorders Sleepwalking. The sleepwalker can walk, talk and see, but will have little or no memory of the event when they wake up. Sleepwalking. The sleepwalker can walk, talk and see, but will have little or no memory of the event when they wake up. Not acting out your dream Not acting out your dream Brain is active enough for you to move, but not active enough for you to wake Brain is active enough for you to move, but not active enough for you to wake Theory; imbalance of brain functions (some parts awake) Theory; imbalance of brain functions (some parts awake) Is it dangerous to wake them? Is it dangerous to wake them? Night Terrors: child is frightened but can not be awakened or comforted Night Terrors: child is frightened but can not be awakened or comforted Eyes are open, but unaware of surroundings Eyes are open, but unaware of surroundings Episode will not be remembered in the morning Episode will not be remembered in the morning Difference between a nightmare? Difference between a nightmare?
Sleep Disorders Sleep apnea: temporary stoppage in breathing forcing the person to wake up Roughly 4 % of Americans have sleep apnea Narcolepsy: A sleep disorder characterized by uncontrollable sleep attacks. Sleeping with your eyes open (not a disorder, just a condition) Temporary loss of muscle control in face Muscle of your eyelid not functioning properly (may not fit) Talking in your sleep (not a disorder) Hiccups in arousal, combining elements of wakefulness with sleep Talking at onset of sleep = entire conversations Talking during deep sleep = mumbles (paralysis is temporarily broken)