5.1 Ratios and Rates
Essential Question What kind of information do rates and ratios provide?
Definitions Ratio: a comparison of two quantities using division –Example: 3 apples to 4 oranges, 3 to 4, 3:4, Rate: a ratio of two quantities with different units –Example: Unit rate: a rate with a denominator of 1 –Example: 40 miles per hour, *Look for the word “per”- whatever comes after it is the denominator of the rate *All of these should be simplified when possible
Example 1 Find the unit rate.
Example 2 Skippy the Snail raced Slimy the Slug. Skippy went 3 inches in 10 seconds. Slimy went 1 foot in 1 minute. Who was faster?
Example 3 (finding a rate from a table ) The ratio table shows the costs for different amounts of artificial turf. Find the unit rate in dollars per square foot. Amount (square feet) Cost (dollars)
Example 4 (finding a rate from a graph) What was the speed (in miles per hour) of the bicycle from: 9-11? 11-1? 1-4?