W ELCOME TO THE C ARMAN C OLLEGIATE C OURSE S ELECTION E VENING Selection of Courses for: Grade 10, 11 & 12.


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Presentation transcript:

W ELCOME TO THE C ARMAN C OLLEGIATE C OURSE S ELECTION E VENING Selection of Courses for: Grade 10, 11 & 12

P ROVINCE OF M ANITOBA G RADUATION R EQUIREMENTS Require 30 credits for graduation. Credits required: Compulsory 17 Credits. Optional 13 Credits.

E DUCATIONAL C ODES First character in number refers to grade: 1 is grade 9 2 is grade 10 3 is grade 11 4 is grade 12 Second character in number refers to credit value: 0 is full credit course 5 is half credit course ELA 20 F Letter following number is course type: F is Foundation G is General S is Specialized

G RADE 9 C OMPULSORY C OURSES English Language Arts 10F Mathematics 10F Science 10F Social Studies 10F Physical Education/Health 10G Provincial Requirements

G RADE 10 C OMPULSORY C OURSES English Language Arts 20F Mathematics 20S  Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Math 20S  Essential Math Geography 20G Science 20F Physical Education/Health 20G  Provincial Requirements

G RADE 11 C OMPULSORY C OURSES English Language Arts 30S Mathematics 30S  Pre-Calculus Math  Applied Math  Essential Math History 30S PE / Health 30  Minimum of 5 credits at the Grade 11 level (30 level)

G RADE 12 C OMPULSORY C OURSES English Language Arts 40S  Literary Focus, or  Transactional Focus Mathematics 40S  Pre-Calculus Math, or  Applied Math, or  Essential Math PE / Health 40  Minimum of 5 credits at the Grade 12 level (40 level).  PE / Health 40 does not apply to University requirements.

G RADE 12 E NGLISH L ANGUAGE A RTS Transactional Focus 40 TF Literary Focus 40 LF Newspapers Magazines Business Letters Resumes Manuals Poetry Drama Novels Short Stories Technical TextsArtistic Texts

G RADE 10 – G RADE 12 M ATHEMATICS Math 10 – Grade 9 Essential Math 20 Intro to Applied and Pre-Calculus Math 20 Essential Math 30Applied Math 30Pre-Calculus Math 30 Essential Math 40Applied Math 40Pre-Calculus Math 40

G RADE 10 – I NTRO. T O A PPLIED AND P RE -C ALC M ATH Intro. to Applied and Pre-Calculus Mathematics 20 This math is intended for students considering post-secondary studies that require a math prerequisite. This pathway provides students with the mathematical understanding and critical-thinking skills that have been identified for specific post-secondary programs of study. The topics studied form the foundation for topics to be studied in both Grade 11 Applied Mathematics and Grade 11 Pre-Calculus Mathematics.

G RADE 11 – G RADE 12 M ATHEMATICS Pre-Calculus Mathematics This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for entry into post-secondary programs that require the study of theoretical calculus. Topics include algebra and number, measurement, permutations, combinations and binomial theorem, relations and functions, and trigonometry. Pre-Calculus Math is the prerequisite for Pre-Calculus Math.

G RADE 11 – G RADE 12 M ATHEMATICS Applied Mathematics This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for post-secondary studies in programs that do not require the study of theoretical calculus. Topics include financial mathematics, geometry, logical reasoning, measurement, number, relations and functions, statistics and probability. Applied Math is the prerequisite for Applied Math.

G RADE 10 – G RADE 12 M ATHEMATICS Essential Mathematics This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for entry into the majority of trades and for direct entry into the work force. Topics include algebra, geometry, measurement, number, statistics and probability. Essential Math is the prerequisite for Essential Math.

G RADE 10 O PTIONAL C OURSES A second math course Agriculture 30 French 20 Digital Pictures 25 and Digital Film Making 25 Web Design 25 and Interactive Websites 25 Music 20 Art Mentorship 20 Food and Nutrition 20 Family Studies 20 Woodwork Tech 20 Metal Works 20

G RADE 11 O PTIONAL C OURSES A second Math course A third Math course French 30 Accounting 30 Biology 30 Physics 30 Chemistry 30 Interactive Media 35 / Broadcast Media 35 Music 30 Art Mentorship 30 Life Works Building 30 Foods and Nutrition 30 Design 30 Woodwork Tech 30 Metalwork Tech 30 Verticals will not conflict with other grade 11 courses.

G RADE 12 O PTIONAL C OURSES A second ELA course French 40 A second Math course Calculus 45 / Adv. Math 45 Accounting 40 Global Issues 40 Biology 40 Physics 40 Chemistry 40 2D Animation 35 / 3D Modeling 35 Music 40 Art Mentorship 40 Life Work Transition 40 Food and Nutrition 40 Advanced Design 40 Applied Technology 40 Woodwork Tech 40 Vertical classes will not conflict with other grade 12 courses.

C HECKLISTS AND F ACT S HEETS Link to this site located on our website. Main page side bar under Registration Guide.

C REDIT P OSSIBILITIES Grade 10 – maximum of 9 credits Grade 11 – maximum of 9 credits Grade 12 – maximum of 9 credits Grade 10 to 12 students can select one vertical (IA / HE) course. Vertical courses will not conflict with other courses in the schedule.

I NDUSTRIAL A RTS / H UMAN E COLOGY Grade 10 Food and Nutrition 20 Family Studies 20 Woodwork Technology 20 Metalwork Technology 20 Grade 11 Food and Nutrition 30 Design 30 Woodwork Technology 30 Metalwork Technology 30 Grade 12 Food and Nutrition 40 (Intro. to Culinary Arts) Advanced Design 40 Woodwork Technology 40 Applied Technology 40

T IMETABLE F ORMAT 4 – 75 minute periods per semester 1 – 30 minute advisor period all year Advisor period functions: meet with teachers for tutoring meet with teacher regarding portfolio grade or school assemblies club meetings homework time

T IMETABLE P ERIOD 1 – 8:55 TO 10:1075 MINUTES P ERIOD 2 – 10:15 TO 10:4530 M INUTES A DVISOR P ERIOD 3 – 10:50 TO 12:0575 MINUTES L UNCH P ERIOD 4 – 1:05 TO 2:2075 MINUTES P ERIOD 5 – 2:25 TO 3:4075 MINUTES

Career Development

C AREER P ATH M ANAGEMENT Exploration Planning for the future Portfolio building Post-secondary connections Career Development

E XPERIENCE T ECHNOLOGY Girls in Gaming Animation Club Envirothon River Watch Wind Turbine/Solar Power Agro-Ecology Discovery Day Biology Health Day Experience Career Development

E XPLORE C AREER P ATHS Internship Community based options and credits Available for all students in grade 11 and 12 For more information contact Lisa MacPherson – Carman Collegiate Career Development

For more information go online or contact Nick Verras – Division Coordinator Career Development

University Information

U NIVERSITY OF M ANITOBA University 1: SET A: One credit of Grade 12 English (minimum of 60%), and A minimum average of 70% over three other Grade 12 credits SET B: I (limited admission) One credit of Grade 12 English (minimum of 60%), and A minimum average of 63-69% over three other Grade 12 credits

U NIVERSITY OF M ANITOBA Direct Entry Program Options: Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences Asper School of Business School of Dental Hygiene Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management Faculty of Science Direct Entry Requirements for these programs are… A minimum 85% average, with no less than 60% in each course Each Faculty has specific Grade 12 course requirements

U NIVERSITY OF M ANITOBA Other Direct Entry Options: School of Agriculture ( 2 year diploma) School of Art (Studio Degree Program) School of Art (Diploma Program) Marcel A. Desautels Faculty of Music

U NIVERSITY OF W INNIPEG - E NTRANCE Admission Requirements for Arts, Science, and Business and Economics: An average of at least 65% on English 40, Math 40, and one other 40S course Plus one other 40S credit from a different subject area

U NIVERSITY OF W INNIPEG Admission Requirements for the Faculty of Education: Must have 5 credits at the Grade 12 level with an interim grade of 70% or higher Must have either 2 credits of English 40S (with an Interim grade of 65% or higher) plus One credit of Mathematics 40S (Applied or Essential) OR One credit of English 40 plus Pre-Calculus Mathematics 40S

B RANDON U NIVERSITY Your entrance is determined by grades

B RANDON U NIVERSITY Programs of Study: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts Business Administration (4 year) Education 5 year Integrated or 2 year After Degree Physical Education Studies – 3 year Music – 4 and 5 year Science - 3 or 4 year Faculty of Health Studies Bachelor of Psychiatric Nursing Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science – 4 year

U NIVERSITY E NTRANCE G RADE 11 N OTE : Grade 11 final grades are used for Entrance to University in student’s Grade 12 year.

O THER U NIVERSITIES - E NTRANCE 1.Most Universities recommend at least 6 approved 40 level courses (PE credit does not count). 2.U of Alberta – require Pre-Calculus Math and Calculus. 3.Students must check the requirements for the University of their choice (i.e. – U of Alberta Engineering – requires Calculus and Advanced Mathematics).

G RADE 11 NOTES Math Courses – should reflect your post secondary needs. Suggest that all students carry 2 math courses. Many University / College entrance scholarships are determined by your final Grade 11 marks. Grade 11 marks are used to determine entrance to Post-Secondary Institutes when applying in the student’s grade 12 year for the December registration deadline. Points to consider by Grade 11 students:

G RADE 12 GRADUATION NOTE For Graduation you must have a minimum of: 5 – 30 level courses (4 compulsory + 1 elective), and 5 – 40 level courses (3 compulsory + 2 electives). PE 30S / 40S are not used for entrance requirements to university or for scholarships. Post Secondary Institutions usually require five 40 level courses with a final percent grade from four different areas (areas include: Languages, Math, Social Studies, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Family Studies).

G RADE C OURSES S ELECTION Selection will be done on-line. Students have received a worksheet and instructions for doing their registration on-line. Students are asked to complete their on-line registration, print off a copy, have parents sign, and submit to the office by Tuesday, March 22. Students can edit choices on-line until this date.