WORKING GROUP 4: Cross-Cultural Leadership WORKING GROUP 4: Cross-Cultural Leadership 1. Clarification of working group’s mandate (terms of references) Should be to strategize, plan and drive the involvement of all AAPBS members; & for our cross-cultural leadership working group, it is to strategize and plan on how to get all AAPBS members to contribute towards “cross-cultural leadership” research and teaching. Working groups should not end up “doing or generating” the content ourselves; but the key is “how to involve all AAPBS members” to generate the contents and to communicate the contents.
WORKING GROUP 4: Cross-Cultural Leadership WORKING GROUP 4: Cross-Cultural Leadership 2.Platform creation to get involvement from our schools’ faculty members a)e.g.: commission studies/research create teaching notes cross-cultural nuances in Doing Business in Asia (China, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, Korea, etc.) b)e.g.: invite keynote speaker series on cross-cultural management to speak at AAPBS Academic Conference e.g: Prof Chang (Academic speakers) ----“Sony versus Samsung” e.g: Jack Ma (Corporate Speakers) ----Alibaba’s Business Model ----How is it different compared with US companies
WORKING GROUP 4: Cross-Cultural Leadership 3.Contents creation and communication in the terms of: (1)Cases Newsletter on cross-cultural communication research and case development by our members, which can be published anywhere (a link or a reference) Commission certain specific cases to be written, published and distributed through AAPBS case center (2)Research What specific cross-cultural research we already have (so Newsletter to feature there?), and what we may want to initiate? e.g. champion some pieces of works, get and provide funding, and appoint specific team of researchers?? (3)Teaching What new teaching/pedagogy (e.g., “games”, “cases”, ”blended learning”, “videos”, “online” modules) do we have in AAPBS? Share & benchmarking
WORKING GROUP 4: Cross-Cultural Leadership 3.Contents creation and communication in the terms of (cont.): (4) Corporate What companies that we want to know? e.g. emerging companies in your countries, unknown to the rest of the world, identify successful factors of these companies Major Asian companies’ CEOs/chairmen to speak at our Annual Meeting Interviews/Dialogues with Asian CEOs & publish Newsletter to communicate these (5) Students Support students’ involvement & awareness of cross-cultural differences e.g: cross-country student teams to do projects (as in Chulalongkorn) e.g: post-lunar-New Year’s students’ visit (global Asian Class) etc. (6) Overall: Asian Model of Management & Leadership Differences & Similarities compared with the west Differences & Similarities compared across Asia (differences within Asia countries)