Quali differenze in rapporto al sesso nella monoinfezione HCV PITER cohort data Loreta Kondili Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Enrollmet in the PITER cohort as by October patients enrolled from 80 clinical centers PITER is a well rapresentative sample of patients in care in Italy.
Web- Based Data Collection
Distribution of patients enrolled in by gender Women 3317 (44%) Mean age years Men 4175 (56%) Mean age years
Distribution of patients enrolled in by gender and age groups
Body Max Index according to gender Men
Fibrosis Distribution according to gender and age groups
HCV Genotypes Distribution according to gender Overall Genotype Distribution Gt1 = 65%; Gt2=15%;Gt3=11%;Gt4=6% Other 1%
Distribution of HCV Genotypes in patients with Clinical cirrhosis
Coinfections Women 130/3317= 4% 1869 N.D. HIV status 130/1656 =8% HBsAg 26/2408 =1% (823 ND HBsAg positivity) Men 319/4175 =7.6% 1869 N.D. HIV status 319/2306 =14% Positivity 26/3079 =2% (960 ND HBsAg positivity) HIV Positivity
Previous Therapeutic history according to gender Naive: 3655pt: Men: 1914 Women: 1741 Experienced:3653pt Men 2159 Women 1494
Distribution of Fibrosis in treatment experienced patients Men
Distribution of Fibrosis in Naive patients F0-1 51% F2 14% F0-F1:51% F2:14% F3:10% F4:23% Women F0-F1:42% F2:13% F3:11% F4:34% Men
Factors correlating with cirrhosis Factors N 6831 OR Univariate CI 95% OR Adjusted CI 95% Mean Age Gender F vs M3034/ Previous Alcohol use yes/No use1435/ Actual Alcohol use/no use1083/ BMI >= 25 vs BMI<252606/ BM I>= 30 vs BMI<25726/ HCV Genotype 1 vs 23996/ vs 2655/ vs 2446/ Others vs 298/ Diabetes vs Non Diabetes913/ >2 times Increased Gamma GT vs NR965/ >2 times Increased ALT vs NR1748/ >2 times Increased AST vs NR1647/ PLT: vs > / PLT: vs> /
Comorbidity according to Gender Gender Comorbidity Male N (4174) %Female N (3317) % Autoimune * Cardiovascular * Diabetes Haematologic Neurologic Osteoarticolar * Psychiatric Renal Tumours * Other
Conclusions Compared to men patients enrolled Women account for 46 % of overall patients and have a mean age one decade older. Genotype 1 and 2 are more frequently present overall and in women with cirrhosis F0-F1 is significantly more prevalent in both age groups below and over 60 years of age Women naive and experienced to previous antiviral therapies have more frequently fibrosis F0-F1 than F4 cirrhosis Women gender is inversly correlated to liver cirrhosis ; Women with cirrhosis are older Women have more frequent cardiovascular disease, osteoarticolar disease and tuomors.