MONEY Because no matter what they say it is always about the money
STEP ONE: HAP PIH Notice HUD said to plan on 100% Funding Ended up being % Allowed for offsets but HUD did not offset But what about offsets in 2017 (YES!!!) Use your Money!!!!
Payment Standards HUD studies show payment standards needs to be increased in many areas HUD pairing rent burden data with PS data - lower success rates disappointing leasing gains HCV - highest voucher issuance ever - Maintain Leasing
HCV Reserves for Vouchers $1.6 Billion for non MTW agencies Remember MTW are some big ones (17% of HCV Money) In HUD’s eyes way too high There will be offsets in 2017
HAP/FEES 2016 HAP = $17,681,451,000 (up $195,541,000) 2016 Fees = $1,650,000,000 (up $120,000,000) HUD is currently projecting an admin fee proration of 80% This will change based on leasing
ISSUES BEFORE TAKING STEPS March 1 Funding Notification Jan, Feb, and March 2016 Disbursements How? WHY? WHAT STEPS: – If you need more – HUD Held/PHA held NRA – Where ever it is – it is still your money!!!
Admin Fee Study Update History Methodology Findings Problems Estimates of your numbers (what do they really mean) What drives HCV costs?
ANALYZING NEEDS Small vs Large HCV? Cost to lease a voucher? Locality variance?
Special Programs FSS VASH
Industry Groups Concerns Current fee levels Cost Saving Measures Salary/Benefits treatment How HUD describes gainers and losers How analysis is presented of new vs 2013 and 2014 fees (hint – we are not looking at the same prorations!!!)
Bottom Line Numbers show admin fees would be approximately 95% of current fee eligibility!! Not 80%!!! Some will go up – Some will go down
Moving Forward Will be offset in 2017 HUD wants you to spend Monthly use the 2 Year tool!!!! – Targets – PUC – Trending – Analysis
VASH Still a Priority PUSH from HUD 2016 Leasing Goal of 92% VASH utilization
Homeless HUD pushing for targeting to homeless
HCV Occupancy Standards Many going to 2 per BR How does it impact $$$$ Remember you are not telling folks how to occupy – only the subsidy you will provide to each family Remember always need to consider reasonable accomodation
PIH One Stop Tool (POST) ogram_offices/public_indian_housing/post ogram_offices/public_indian_housing/post Great resource for PHAs!!!!!!!
HUD 2 Year Projection Tool 2 Year Tool Case Studies