Amanda, Kellan, Seth
The French started the visual style of art deco. William Van Alen and Tamara De Lempicka were the first people to start using art deco. William Van Alen was in charge of designing New York cities Chrysler building. Tamara was known as the first woman artist to be a glamorous star, she was a polish art deco painter. PEOPLE INVOLVED WITH ART DECO
“Twentieth-century art may start with nothing but it flourishes by virtue of its belief in itself.” -A-Alvarez “Art is a fruit that grows in man, like a fruit on the plant, or a child in its mother’s womb.” - Jean Arp QUOTES
-Influenced architecture in most American cities, and had an impact on fashion, furniture, and art. -Buildings were richly detailed with hard-edged, low- relief designs: geometric shapes, including chevrons and ziggurats; and stylized floral and sunrise patterns. -Rectangular blocky forms were often arranged in a geometric fashion. -Doorways of buildings were surrounded by elaborate detail. -Art Deco materials included: stucco, concrete, smoothed face stone, and Terracotta. ART DECO IN DETAIL
1901- technology advanced like electricity and telephones this is when art deco started after WW1 life changed drastically the world looked to Paris for leadership in fashion + design William Van Alen when he designed the first building door bone to earth building Art Deco because the peek at popularity. ART DECO TIMELINE
"Art Deco History, Art Deco in the 1920s." Art Deco History, Art Deco in the 1920s. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb "1920s Art." 1920s Art. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb ART DECO TIMELINE