CJ II / Major Accident or Natural Disaster Officer Responsibilities
What is an officer’s first priority at a major accident or natural disaster? ► After Officer Safety - Render aid to the injured.
Procedures Before Arrival at the Scene ► What mode of approach should be taken. Emergency equipment or not Drive safely ► Take the most direct route. ► Scan the area upon approach for victims, suspicious persons, vehicles and/or road debris. ► Request additional help if needed. (Back-up) ► Do not destroy evidence.
Signs of dangerous or hazardous situations at the scene of an accident ► Smoke, fire, leaks or spills. ► Review the manifest of hazardous material vehicles.
Procedures for Rescuing and Caring for the Injured ► The most important issue is to save human life or prevent additional injury. ► Use discretion: Weigh whether to prevent physical evidence contamination or treating superficial wounds.
Emergency Evacuation Procedures ► Evacuate on buses is the best way to move large numbers of people. ► Evacuate to temporary shelters.
Protecting Evidence at the Scene of an Accident ► Physical objects should not be moved or evidence collected for any reason, other than safety or for the prevention of the destruction of evidence, until directed by the investigating officer. ► Scenes involving establishments open to the public shall be closed if access to any portion of the establishment interferes with the security of the scene.
Interviewing Witnesses ► Use Standard Field Interviewing Techniques
After Action Report: ► Mr. Fletcher’s Natural Disaster scene in 2003 while he was still on the job… ► Supervised a rapid response team to assist in evacuating residents of the Belle Haven community in Alexandria, VA (Fairfax Co.)
Hurricane Isabel ► Was the costliest and deadliest hurricane in the 2003 Atlantic hurricane season. ► The ninth named storm, fifth hurricane, and second major hurricane of the season, Isabel formed from a tropical wave on September 6 th in the tropical Atlantic Ocean. ► It steadily strengthened to reach peak winds of 165 mph on September 11 th.
Hurricane Isabel – cont. ► After fluctuating in intensity for four days, Isabel gradually weakened and made landfall on the Outer Banks of NC with winds of 105 mph on September 18 th. ► It weakened over land and became a tropical storm over Western Pennsylvania the next day.
Hurricane Isabel – cont. ► Moderate to severe damage extended up the Atlantic coastline and as far inland as West Virginia. ► Roughly six million people were left without power in the eastern United States from the strong winds of Isabel. ► Rainfall from the storm extended from South Carolina to Maine, and westward to Michigan.
Hurricane Isabel – cont. ► Throughout the path of Isabel, damage totaled about $3.6 billion. ► 16 deaths in seven states were directly related to the hurricane.
Hold on because here it comes…
River Towers Apartments
QUESTIONS? THE END ► Complete Hurricane Investigations Worksheet
CJ II / Hurricane Investigations 1. What is a hurricane? 2. What causes a hurricane to form? 3. Describe the four main causes of destruction in a hurricane. 4. Is there a "hurricane season"? What time of year do most hurricanes develop? 5. How many tropical disturbances generally occur in one season? How many become named storms? How many affect the United States? 6. Where do the hurricanes that threaten the U.S. generally develop? 7. What conditions are necessary to sustain the strength of a hurricane? When and why does a hurricane die out? 8. What is the direction of circulation in a hurricane in the Northern Hemisphere? How does this compare to rotation in the Southern Hemisphere? 9. What is the "eye" of a hurricane? Describe any other "parts" of a hurricane? 10. Where are the strongest winds in a hurricane located? Why are they so strong there? 11. Throughout the path of Hurricane Isabel, damage totaled about $. deaths in seven states were directly related to the hurricane.