Enterprise Europe Network Connecting you to New Business Opportunities in Europe Enterprise Europe Network Connecting you to New Business Opportunities in Europe Enterprise Europe Network Layla Burrows, EU R&D Funding Adviser
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Core services In-country support Partner search for commercial, technical and R&D collaboration IP support and advice European R&D funding guidance Trade Show and Brokerage support Over 14,000 business collaboration opportunities EU Regulation and Legislation 53 countries 3,000+ advisers
Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› R&D Technology Partner Search & Support → Discussion of requirements → Identify funding stream → Create profile → Post within network → Targeted → Expressions of interest → Partner match! → Signposting / events → Due diligence with application
Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Partnership opportunities /
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Horizon 2020 Launch Event HP Labs Bristol Thursday 21 st November :30-15:00
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