Inventions of the Civil War Better killing with technology…
Aerial Warfare (Hot Air Balloons) used first by the Union Army to observe enemy movement balloonists could: signal ground troops direct artillery fire drop bombs
Repeating Rifles invented by several men for the Union Army could shoot 7 to 12 shots before reloading soldiers did not need to stand up to reload
Machine Guns i.e. “Gatling Gun” invented for the Union Army by R. J. Gatling gun had six barrels turned by a crank fired 150 rounds per minute cumbersome…not used much during the CW
Submarine invented for the CSA navy by H. L. Hunley several crews drowned during testing used a long spar to embed a bomb into the hull of an enemy ship used one time…
Iron Clad Ships designed for the USA and the CSA navies steam powered ships covered with steel or iron plates round shot bounced off the angled sides
Torpedoes invented by the CSA but used by both sides wooden barrels loaded with gun powder colliding with the barrels caused the gun powder to explode
New Technology + Old Tactics __ = Increased Death
Inventions of the Civil War Better killing with technology…