Monday :00 – 13:0014:30 – 19:0019:00 – 21:00 Conference hall №1 (room 314, floor 3) button 3 in the lift 4th Scientific School on Electron Microscopy School for Young Scientists "Modern methods of electron and scanning probe microscopy in studies of nanostructures and nanomaterials”. Conference hall №2 (floor 11) button 11 in the lift – Equipment installation – Polyakov V.V. ("NT-MDT"). “Modern methods of surface studies using atomic force microscopy” – Korenev P.A. (”SERNIA”). "The use of digital optical microscopy for 3d modeling of samples with the developed surface” Round Table 1."Lithographic production" (Avi Aradjuan, Israel) 2.Prospects of fine focused e-beam application for IC development and low volume manufacturing. V.V. Kazmiruk, I.G. Kurganov, A.A. Podkopaev, T.N.Savitskaya.(IMT RAS). Small conference hall (room 413, floor 4) button 4 in the lift Business area Meeting of Israel companies representatives with potential partners in Zelenograd Demonstration Hall Master Class "Atomic Force Microscopy" ("NT-MDT") Master Class "Digital 3D optical microscopy“ (”SERNIA”) Open area Welcome party
Tuesday :00 –11:3011:30 – 12:4514:30 –18:0018:00 – 19:30 19:30 – 20:00 Conference hall №1 (room 314, floor 3) button 3 in the lift Opening of the International Forum “Technounity - SEM 2016" Oral presentations SEM– – Urubkov I.V., specialist scientific and analytical equipment. ("Tokyo Boeki (RUS))." New models of electron microscopes JEOL» – Dr. Meiken Falke (“Bruker”). “Element distribution analysis from the mm scale to single atoms; possibilities with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy in SEM and STEM.” Conference hall №2 (floor 11) button 11 in the lift New methods, equipment and applications – Martyn Green, global sales manager of Mantis- Sigma holding, Ph.D.(MANTIS-SIGMA). New real time XPS chemical analysis of reduction of Titanium Oxide and advances in Low Temperature STM Novotný Karel (TESCAN ORSAY HOLDING). Analysis of advanced microelectronic devices by means of electron microscopy – Milovzorov N.G. (“TESCAN”). Nanospace - SEM with ionic column, compatible with all installations for molecular beam epitaxy – Trusov M. A., head of Raman / AFM ( “Nytek Instruments”). Raman / AFM spectroscopy of carbon structures on the nanoscale – Trusov M. A., head of Raman / AFM ( “Nytek Instruments”). Systems for cathodoluminescence from HORIBA Scientific: a description of the advantages and application examples for the study of semiconductors and nanomaterials – Bykov V.A., president of NT-MDT companies New possibilities of scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy – Round table “The Russian microelectronics market in times of crisis" The use of metrology equipment Small conference hall (room 413, floor 4) button 4 in the lift Round table "Development of innovations in the Russian Federation" Round table "Startups and Investments“, (Roman Gol'd, Israel) Demonstration Hall Master Class "Atomic Force Microscopy" ("NT-MDT") Master Class "Digital 3D optical microscopy“ (”SERNIA”) Poster presentations (room 911, floor 9) button 9 in the lift 18:00 – 19:30 sections: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 section 1 – “Transmission electron microscopy (analytical, low-voltage, scanning)”. section 3 – “Methods of electron diffraction in the studies of materials”. section 4 – “Probe scanning microscopy”. section 5 – “Scanning electron microscopy”. section 6 – “Electron optics and new devices, image processing”. section 8 – “Electron and ion lithography”. Open area Open-free party
Среда Wednesday :00 – 13:0014:00 – 18:0018:00 – 19:30 19:30 – 20:00 Conference hall №1 (room 314, floor 3) button 3 in the lift Oral presentations SEM– –18.10 Hans Dijkstra, ведущий специалист по микроанализу Thermo Scientific (Thermo Scientific). "The Analysis of Mo 5 SiB 2 in the SEM using EDS and WDS" 18.15–18.35 Neudachina V.S., head of "Analysis of surfaces and nanostructures" (INTERTECH Corp.). "Photothermal excitation of the cantilever as a revolutionary approach to obtainn AFM images of the highest resolution." 18.40–19.00 Lukashova M.V. (“TESCAN”). “Experience in the use of ionic column dual- beam scanning electron microscope for precision-EBSD sample preparation”. Conference hall №2 (floor 11) button 11 in the lift Presentations of companies Application of the cathode- ray microscopy equipment 11.00–11.25 Milovzorov N.G. (“TESCAN”). "Scanning electron microscopes TESCAN» 11.30–11.50 Kozlov V. V., head of the Moscow office of the Oxford Instruments Overseas Marketing Ltd. "Systems of electron probe microanalysis of the Oxford Instruments company“ –12.15 Kozlov V. V., head of the Moscow office of the Oxford Instruments Overseas Marketing Ltd. "Application of the Kikuchi diffraction for crystal structure diagnostics of rare and new minerals." 12.20–12.45 Khanin V.A. (“Melytec”). "Phenom XL - a novelty in the desktop SEM FEI Helios Plasma FIB for microelectronics“ –14.25 Kapchenko I.V., head of ERCATA GmbGH. Materials for Advanced Metallization, Challenges, Tools and Technoogies Round Table “Presentation of the product on the international market" (JS-Capital, Israel) Small conference hall (room 413, floor 4) button 4 in the lift 11: :40 section 10 Oral presentations “ Application of the microscopy methods in chemistry and geology” Round table "The strategic partnership Israel - Russia" Demonstration Hall Master Class "Atomic Force Microscopy" ("NT-MDT") Master Class "Digital 3D optical microscopy“ (”SERNIA”) Poster presentations (room 911, floor 9) button 9 in the lift 16:00 – 18:00 section 10 “ Application of the microscopy methods in chemistry and geology”. 18:00 – 19:30 sections 2 и 7 section 2 - “Electron microscopy in the studies of new materials and nanostructures”. section 7 - “X-ray optics, X-ray and optical microscopy”. Open area Open-free party
Thursday Friday :00 – 13:0014:30 – 18:1019:00 +10:00 – 14:00 Conference hall №1 (room 314, floor 3) button 3 in the lift Oral presentations SEM–2016 Conference hall №2 (floor 11) button 11 in the lift New methods, equipment and applications – Shelaev A.V. (NT-MDT). Near field IR-microscopy and spectroscopy with nanometer resolution – Gelever V.D. (MSTU MIREA). Low voltage hybrid nanoscope – Starkov V.V. (IMT RAS). Technological aspects of achievement, properties and application of porous Silicon – Fedik I.V. (CAMECA). Atomic probe tomography and secondary ions mass spectrometry in investigation of nanoscaled systems. Closing of the International Forum “Technounity - SEM 2016" Small conference hall (room 413, floor 4) button 4 in the lift Round table Discussion of joint projects in biomedicine and other areas Oral presentations at the biological section (11 section) Round table Discussion of joint projects in microelectronics and ECB Roundtable - biological section (11 section) Demonstration Hall Master Class "Atomic Force Microscopy" ("NT-MDT") Master Class "Digital 3D optical microscopy“ (”SERNIA”) Poster presentations (room 911, floor 9) button 9 in the lift 11:00 – 13:00 section 11 “Electron, probe and focal scanning microscopy in biology and medicine”. 18:30 – 19:30 section 9 “Application of the microscopy methods in physics, material sciences, micro- and nanoelectronics”. Departure to Moscow Master Class "Electron - beam lithography" (“OPTEC Company”) Open area Conference dinner