Algorithm Frameworks Using Adaptive Sampling Richard Peng Georgia Tech
OUTLINE Sampling and its algorithmic incorporation Adaptive sampling for approximating maxflow Adaptive sampling for solving linear systems
RANDOM SAMPLING Pick a small subset of a collection of many objects Goal: Estimate quantities Reduce sizes Speed up algorithms
ALGORITHMIC USE OF SAMPLING Framework: Compute on the sample Bring answer back to original Original Compute on sample Examples: Quick sort/select Geometric cuttings Nystrom method
THIS TALK Adaptive sampling based algorithms for finding combinatorial and scientific flows Current best, O(mlog c n) time guarantees for: Approximate maxflow / balanced cuts Computation of random walks / eigenvectors Measure runtime with big-O, address worst case instances, including ill-conditioned ones
ADAPTIVE SAMPLING Iterative schemes: chain of samples, each constructed from the previous Preserve `just enough’ for answer on the sample to be useful Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem d …
PRESERVING GRAPH STRUCTURES This talk: undirected graphs n vertices m < n 2 edges Is n 2 edges (dense) sometimes necessary? For connectivity: < n edges always ok
PRESERVING MORE [BK `96]: for ANY G, can get H with O(nlogn) edges s.t. G ≈ H on all cuts Andras Benczur David Karger How: keep edge e with probability p e, rescale if kept to maintain expectation
HOW TO PICK PROBABILITIES Widely used: uniform sampling Works well when data is uniform e.g. complete graph Problem: long path, removing any edge changes connectivity (can also have both in one graph) Fix: pick probaiblities adaptively baesd on graph
THE `RIGHT’ PROBABILITIES Path + clique: 1 1/n [RV `07], [Tropp `12], [SS `08]: suffices to have p e ≥ O( logn) × w e × effective resistance Dan Spielman Nikhil Srivastava Gives spectral sparsifiers, which suffices for all the results in this talk, e.g. preserves cuts
SAMPLING MORE [Talagrand `90] “Embedding subspaces of L 1 into L N 1 ” : non-linear, matrix, analog, O(dlogd) objects for d dimensions Mathematical view of probabilities: 2-norm: leverage scores 1-norm: [CP `15]: Lewis weights ║x║1║x║1 ║x║2║x║2 Michel Talagrand
COMPUTING SAMPLING PROBABILITIES [ST `04][OV `11]: spectral partitioning [SS`08][KLP `12]: projections + solves [Koutis `14]: spanners / low diameter partitions [LMP `13][CLMMPS`15]: self-reduction / recursion [DMMW`13][CW`13]: sketches [BSS`09][LS `15]: potential functions For edge with Laplacian L e w e × r e = trace( L + L e ) +: pseudo-inverse
OUTLINE Sampling and its algorithmic incorporation Adaptive sampling for approximating maxflow Adaptive sampling for solving linear systems
s Undirected graphs PROBLEM t Maximum number of disjoint s-t paths Applications: Routing Scheduling Dual: separate s and t by removing fewest edges Applications: Partitioning Clustering n vertices, m edges Assume capacities = poly(n) Goal: 1± ε approx in O(mlog c nε -2 ) time
May also ‘fix’ earlier flow via residual graph Faster: [EK `73]: fewer paths: O(m 2 n) [Dinic `73][HK `75] [GN `80][ST `83]: shorter / simpler paths, O(nmlogn) ‘PROTOTYPE’ FLOW ALGORITHM (FORD-FULKERSON `56) While exists s-t path route it adjust graph s t s t D. R. Fulkerson L. R. Ford Jr.
EXTREME INSTANCES Highly connected, need global steps Long paths / tree, need many steps But must handle both simultaneously gradient steps MCMC Power method min-degree dynamic trees DFS Each easy on their own
John Hopcroft LIMIT OF THIS APPROACH? s t s t [HK `75]: if we can route f units of flow in a unit-capacity graph, the shortest augmenting path has length at most m / f If we can find (approximate) shortest paths dynamically: Σ f=1 m (m / f) = O(mlogn) Richard Karp
1980: dynamic trees 1970s: blocking flows 1986: dual algorithms 1999: scaling 2010: linear systems 1956: augmenting paths Augmenting paths [FF `55] Notion of polynomial time [Edmonds `65] Blocking flows [EK`75, Dinic `73] Dynamic tree data structures [GN `80] Dual/scaling algorithms [Gabow `83, GT `88, GR `99] Faster solvers for graph Laplacians [Vaidya `89] WORK RELATED TO FLOWS LED TO:
AVERAGE TOGETHER FLOWS NUMERICALLY Numerical notions of `approximate’ shortest paths, interact well with Hierarchical decompositions, Divide-and-conquer on graphs s s t t s t
Jon Kelner NUMERICAL MAXFLOW ALGORITHMS [Sherman `13] [KLOS `14]: given operator that α-approximates maxflow for ANY demand d, can compute (1 + ε)-approx maxflow in O(α 2 lognε -2 ) calls [Madry `10] [KLOS `13]: build this operator with α = O(m θ ) in O(m 1+θ ) time Jonah Sherman Alexander Madry Aaron Sidford Yin-Tat Lee Lorenzo Orecchia Combining gives O(m 1+θ ), will show next: O(mlog c n)
-2 3 OPERATOR? Tree: unique s-t path, maxflow = demand / bottleneck edge s t 1 -2 Multiple (exact) demands: flows along each edge determined via linear mapping, O(n) time
TREE FOR ANY GRAPH? [RST `14]: can find such a tree by solving maxflows of total size O(mlog c n) [Racke `01]: ANY undirected graph has a tree that’s an O(log c n) approximator Harald Racke Hanjo Taubig Chintan Shah
USING THESE DECOMPOSITIONS? Approximator Maxflow [RST `14] operator with α=O(log c n) via maxflows of total size O(mlog c n) Maxflow Approximator O(mlog c nε -2 ) time? [Sherman `13] [KLOS `14]: given operator that α-approximates maxflow for ANY demand d, can compute (1 +ε)-approx maxflow in O(α 2 lognε -2 ) calls
RESOLUTION: RECURSION Create smaller approximation Build cut/flow approximator on it recursively Use (fixed size) approximator for the original ` Adaptive sampling acts driver that controls progress of recursion
SIZE REDUCTION Ultra-sparsifier: for any k, can find H ≈ k G that’s tree + O(mlog c n/k) edges ` ` e.g. [Koutis-Miller-P `10]: pick good tree, sample off-tree edges by their ‘stretch’ Reducible to O(mlog c n/k) vertices/edges Yiannis Koutis Gary Miller
Use: maxflow from O(α 2 lognε -2 ) calls Construction: α=O(log c n) via maxflows on graphs of total size O(mlog c n) [P `16]: INCORPORATING REDUCTIONS T(m) = T(mlog 2c n/k) + O(mk 2 log 2c+1 n) Set k O(log 2c n): T(m) = T(m/2) + O(mlog 4c+1 n) = O(mlog 4c+1 n) Construct on ultra-sparsifier with approximation factor k α=O(klog 2c n) for original graph New size = O(mlog c n/k) Maxflow
OUTLINE Sampling and its algorithmic incorporation Adaptive sampling for approximating maxflow Adaptive sampling for solving linear systems
GRAPH LAPLACIANS Matrices that correspond to undirected graphs Entries vertices, n by n matrices Non-zeros edges, O(m) nonzeros Problem: given graph Laplacian L, vector b, find x s.t. Lx = b
THE LAPLACIAN PARADIGM Directly related : Elliptic systems Few iterations : Eigenvectors, Heat kernels Many iterations / modify algorithm Graph problems Image processing Dan Spielman Shanghua Teng
USE MATLAB? TRILINOS? LAPACK? Sequence of (adpatively) generated linear systems: : …we suggest rerunning the program a few times and/or using a different solver. An alternate solver based on incomplete Cholesky factorization is provided… Optimization Problem Linear System Solver Kevin Deweese
SIMPLIFICATION Adjust/rescale so diagonal = I Add to diagonal to make full rank L = I – A A: Random walk
LOWER BOUND FOR ITERATIVE METHODS Graph theoretic interpretation: each term 1 step walk A diameter b bAbA2bA2b Need Ω(diameter) steps Division with multiplication: L -1 = ( I – A ) -1 = I + A + A 2 + A 3 +…
( I – A ) -1 = I + A + A 2 + A 3 + … = ( I + A ) ( I + A 2 ) ( I + A 4 )… REPEATED SQUARING Dense matrix! A 16 = (((( A 2 ) 2 ) 2 ) 2, 4 operations O(logn) terms ok Similar to multi-level methods
DENSE INTERMEDIATE OBJECTS Matrix powers Matrix inverse Transitive closures LU factorizations Cost-prohibitive to store / find But can access a sparse version
GRAPH THEORETIC VIEW A : step of random walk A 2 : 2 step random walk Still a graph! [PS `14]: can directly access a sparsifier in O(mlog c n) time
HIGHER POWERS A : random walk A k : k step random walk [CCLPT `15: can also compute this sparsifier in nearly-linear time Shanghua Teng Yan Liu Yu Cheng Dehua Cheng Sparse graph close to A k
SPARSIFIED SQUARING I - A 1 ≈ ε I – A 2 I – A 2 ≈ ε I – A 1 2 … I – A i ≈ ε I – A i-1 2 I - A d ≈ I I - A 0 I - A d ≈ I Convergence: (approximately) same as repeated squaring: d = O(log(mixing time)) suffices ≈: spectral/condition number, implies cut
[PS `14] CHAIN SOLVER x = Solve( I, A 0, … A d, b) 1.For i =1 to d, b i ( I + A i ) b i-1. 2.x d b d. 3.For i = d - 1 downto 0, x i ½[b i +( I + A i )x i+1 ]. Runtime: O(mlog c nlog 3 (mixing time))
SPARSE BLOCK CHOLESKY [KLPRS`16]: Repeatedly eliminate some variables Sparsify intermediate matrices O(mlogn) time, extends to connection Laplacians, which can be viewed as having complex weights Rasmus Kyng Sushant Sachdeva
EVEN MORE ADAPTIVE [KS `16] Per-entry pivoting, almost identical to incomplete LU / ichol Running time bound: O(mlog 3 n), OPEN: improve this
OPEN QUESTIONS Nearly-linear time algorithms for: Wider classes of linear systems Directed maximum flow Intermediate questions: Squaring based flow algorithms / oblivious routing schemes. What can we preserve while sparsifying directed graphs?