Welcome! Drafting 2323: Pipe Drafting Andrew Amini Full Time Instructor, HCC
Chapter 6- Mechanical Equipment 1 Horizontal Vessels/Accumulators- Cylindrical Horizontal Tank that is installed. Accumulator – Is for receiving and collecting liquids and gases. It has no internal moving parts. Nozzles are used to allow the entry to the exit of fluids. What is upstream and downstream?
Vertical Vessels/Fractionation Columns/Reactors 2 The vertical vessel is a cylindrical vessel whose long axis is perpendicular to the horizon. The process of refining, or breaking a feedstock down into its various molecular compounds, is called fractional distillation Distillation elicits only a physical change in a commodity, not a chemical one. After further refinement and processing, these compounds will become salable commodities such as fuels, plastics, and many other essential products.
Vertical Vessels/Fractionation Columns/Reactors 3
4 Ladders allow workers to access the higher elevations of equipment for routine inspection and maintenance. Ladders are made of steel bar and plate, and are welded or bolted to the exterior of a vessel. Cages are designed to enclose a ladder and prevent a worker from falling. Made of steel plate, cages provide the worker with a sense of security when scaling tall structures. Platforms are like elevated walkways installed around the outside of a vessel or between pieces of equipment.
Pumps 6 Pumps – are mechanical devices used to move fluids under pressure from one location to another. Pumps accelerate the speed at which a commodity travels within a pipe, thereby increasing its rate of flow. Centrifugal pump force created by the high-speed impellers of a centrifugal pump creates a smooth nonpulsating rate of flow. With a fast spinning impeller creating a low-pressure center point, any commodity entering the pump will naturally seek the center of the impeller only to be spun out at a high rate of speed. The efficient operation of the centrifugal pump makes it the standard of most piping facilities
Pumps 7 Reciprocating pump creates pressure with a piston or plunger that alternately move back and forth. With each stroke of the piston, pressure is increased forcing the commodity out of the pump. Rotary pump is similar to the reciprocating pump in that it is a positive displacement type. Rotary pumps use mechanical devices such as pistons, gears, or screws to discharge a commodity at a smooth, continuous rate of flow. It performs without creating the extreme pressure surges often associated with the reciprocating pump.
Compressor 8 Compressor is similar to the pump, but it is designed to move air, gases, or vapors rather than liquids. The compressor is used to increase the rate at which a gaseous commodity flows from one location to another. Gases, unlike liquids, are elastic and must be compressed to increase flow rate. Liquids obviously cannot be compressed, unless you are building a hydraulic application. Like pumps, compressors are manufactured in centrifugal, reciprocating, and rotary configurations.
Heat Exchanger 9 Heat exchanger’s primary function in a piping facility is to transfer heat from one commodity to another. Shell and tube exchanger performs its task by circulating a hot liquid around tubes that contain a cooler liquid. The hot liquid circulates in an enclosed area called the shell. Tubes containing the cooler liquid are looped through the shell. Hot liquid in the shell warms the cooler liquid in the tubes, whereas the cooler liquid in the tubes cools the warm liquid in the shell.
Reboiler 10 The reboiler, as the name implies, is a device used to replenish the heat lost by a process commodity. It is natural that during the refining process commodities will lose heat. In many cases lower temperature means less efficiency and productivity. Therefore, it becomes necessary to reheat certain commodities after a period of time.
Cooling Tower 11 After circulating through equipment such as exchangers and condensers, cooling water will have accumulated substantial heat gain. Without dissipating the heat gain, cooling water will lose its cooling effectiveness and become less efficient. A cooling tower is a mechanical device that will lower the temperature of cooling water. Cooling towers are uniquely designed to dissipate heat gain by evaporating large amounts of aerated water that is circulated through an air-induced tower.
Heater 12 Heaters, or furnaces as they are also known, are used to raise the temperature of a feedstock to the point where it can be used in a process facility. Some feeds, like crude oil, must be heated to approximately 700 °F before it can be piped into a fractionation column where its refining process begins.
13 Boilers employ the same heating principle as a heater. They are used primarily to generate superheated steam or stripping steam. Constructed similar to a heater, boilers can raise the temperature of water or condensate to 1,000 °F or more.
Storage Tank 14 Storage Tanks are used to store crude oil before its use in the facility, as holding tanks for a partially refined product awaiting further processing, or to collect a finished product before its delivery or pickup by a customer. Usually placed within a common area of a facility known as a tank farm, storage tanks come in various shapes and sizes.