A limited excuse, ten minute workout designed to get employees away from their desk and practice a mental/physical break during their day. Ten minutes gives individuals enough time to travel to the class, complete the exercises and get back to work in a minute window. These workouts are designed to be user friendly and for all populations and fitness levels. There is no need to change clothes as all exercises can be completed while standing using a small weight or band. These workouts can be a mid-day break, an introduction to fitness, or a supplement to other workouts. We hope you enjoy the Quick Fit Workouts! If you are unable to join us for a staff led Quick Fit Workout, you can do this on your own! Each workout should start with a two minute warm up to get the blood pumping and warm up the muscles. Start with marching in place, arm circles, high knees, anything to get you moving. WHAT IS A QUICK FIT WORKOUT?
QUICK FIT WORKOUT Monday, May 13 Focus on Balance Balance is important at any age, the following exercises incorporate balance to help you realize the importance of including it into your routine. Keep a chair close for assistance as you improve your balance. Weight Shifts Stand with feet hip width apart and select a focal point, slowly shift weight to the right allowing the left foot to raise off the floor; hold as long as you are able. Return to start, and shift weight to the right.; complete five sets. Standing Leg Extensions Standing on one leg, slowly bring opposite knee up so the hip is at a 90 degree angle, extend at the knee bringing your foot out in front of you, slowly lower to starting position; complete ten repetitions and repeat on other side. Single Leg Arm Curl Holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand on one leg. Obtain your balance and slowly complete a bicep curl keeping elbows tucked in; exhale as you bring the weight up towards your shoulders, inhale as you lower the weight; complete a set of 10 repetitions, switch legs and repeat. Single Leg Overhead Press With a dumbbell in each hand, stand on one leg. While balancing, complete an overhead press exhaling as you extend the arms over head.; slowly lower weight and complete 10 repetitions, switch legs and repeat. Single Leg Side Lateral Raise Hold a dumbbell in your left hand and obtain your balance on your right foot. With your left leg off the ground, extend your left arm straight out to the side at shoulder height, slowly lower; complete 10 repetitions, switch legs and repeat. Test Your Balance:
Weight Shifts Standing Leg Extensions Single Leg Arm Curl
Single Leg Overhead Press Single Leg Lateral Raise
QUICK FIT WORKOUT Tuesday, May 14 Exercises for the Office Your time is precious and a workout might not make the to do list today, but don’t let a hectic schedule ruin your workout. Complete this routine and the next time you are crunched for time you have exercises for the office. Funky Chicken Standing or sitting with good posture, place hands on your shoulders with elbows up. Pull elbows back wide squeezing shoulder blades together, and then slowly bring them together in front of your body touching elbows together. Completely two sets of 15 repetitions. Wall/Desk Push Up Using a sturdy structure, place hands slightly wider than shoulder width. Slowly bend at the elbows lowering your chest allowing elbows to reach 90 degrees. Slowly push yourself back to the starting position, complete two sets of 15. Sumo Squat Step into a wide stance with toe pointed outward, slowly drop hips into a squat until thighs are parallel to the ground. Push through your heels back to the starting position. Repeat for 2 sets of 15 repetitions. Tricep Dips Place hands on the seat of your chair behind you, with fingers forward (if on wheels, place chair against a wall), walk your legs out in front of you, with knees bent slowly lower the body toward the ground until elbows are bent at 90 degrees, slowly straighten arms to starting position, repeat for 2 sets of 15. Core Stability Seated on your chair, grasp the sides of your seat. Lean back slightly raising your feet off the floor with knees bent. Slowly bring knees towards your chest maintaining a straight back and tight core, extend back out. Ask the staff about DESKERCISE for more exercise at your desk options!
Funky Chicken Wall/Desk Pushup
Sumo Squat Tricep Dips Core Stability
QUICK FIT WORKOUT Wednesday, May 15 Full Body Workout in 10 It might be hard to find the time, but how about 10 minutes of your day? Lunges Take a big step forward with your right foot holding small weights in each hand; with toes pointed forward lower your body straight down until your back knee almost touches the ground. Keeping the front knee in line with the ankle, push through your heel back to the starting position. Complete 10 – 15 repetitions, switch legs and repeat. Curl – Press - Drop Start with a medicine ball or a single dumbbell in front of the body with arms straight down; curl the weight up to the chest (bicep curl), then press the weight overhead (shoulder press), with the weight overhead, slowly lower the weight behind your head bending at the elbows (tricep extension) extend weight back overhead and lower back to chin level complete the repetition by lowing weight to starting position Repeat for 15 repetitions. Calf Raises Holding a dumbbell in each hand, with feet slightly apart, raise up onto the balls of your feet and hold for 2 seconds and lower heels back to the floor. Repeat for 20 repetitions. Chest Press With a small weight in each hand, lay on a bench or utilize a resistance ball (keeping hips up, feet wide to maintain balance), with weights at your shoulders fingers should be facing away from you. Slowly push weight up toward the ceiling as you exhale bringing the weights together above your chest. Inhale and slowly lower to starting position, repeat for 15 repetitions. Tea Pots Standing, or seated on an edge of a chair or ball, place your left hand on your hip extending right arm up overhead and hold it against your ear; with feet hip width apart slowly lean to the right as far as you are comfortable, keeping your chest up (try not allow your chest to fall forward); slowly lean back up to starting position and repeat for 15 repetitions. Switch arms; right on hip, left over head and repeat to the left.
Lunges Curl – Press – Drop
Tea Pots Chest Press Calf Raises
QUICK FIT WORKOUT Thursday, May 16 Core Concentration A strong core is essential. Join the NIFS staff for a core class, or utilize these exercises to help strength your core on your own. Remember to breathe! Crunch with Elevated Knees Lay on your back, place hands behind your ears and bring feet up off the floor. Lifting your chin towards the ceiling, bring shoulder blades off the ground drawing knees towards the chest as you crunch; slowly lower both the upper body and knees keeping feet off the ground, repeat for 45 seconds. Plank Either on your forearms or on hands with arms extended into a push up position and toes on floor, keep your torso straight maintaining a straight line from your head to your toes. Be sure to not allow the hips to sag. Strive to hold the position for 45 seconds. For additional plank options ask the NIFS staff for assistance. Heel Taps Lay on your back, feet flat, lift shoulder blades off the floor with arms at your sides. Keeping chin lifted towards the ceiling, move side to side alternating touching your heels keeping shoulder blades off the ground. Strive for 45 seconds. Boat Pose Seated on the floor, maintaining a straight back, slightly lean back. Obtain your balance lifting feet off of the floor. Keep knees bent, arms extended towards your feet and hold for 45 seconds. Increase difficulty by straightening legs. Superman Lying face down on the floor, extend arms over head, legs straight. In a slow, controlled motion lift arms, chest, and legs off the floor to your best ability. Slowly lower and repeat for 15 repetitions.
Crunch with Elevated Knees Plank Heel Taps
Boat Pose Superman
QUICK FIT WORKOUT Friday, May 17 Yoga Hold each pose for 5-8 breaths. Downward Dog Begin on your hands and knees with hands slightly forward of shoulders and hips in line with knees. With hands slightly turned out and turn toes under, exhale and lift knees off the ground drawing hips towards the ceiling straightening arms and legs forming an inverted V. With toes pointed forward stretch heels toward the floor with each exhale, keeping head and neck in line with your straight back. Low Lunge From the downward dog, exhale and step forward with your right foot placing it between your hands; keep the right knee in line with the ankle. Lower left knee to the floor sliding it back with top of foot on the floor until you feel a stretch in the left front thigh. Inhale and lift arms up over head, hold for 5-8 breaths. Return hands to floor and slowly bring left foot between hands and step back with right foot to perform pose on opposite side. Child’s Pose Kneel on floor with feet together, tops of feet flat on the floor. Spread knees hip width apart. Exhale and slowly lay torso down between your knees resting your head on the floor. Bring arms to your sides with palms facing up; relax with each breath letting the shoulder blades spread wide across your back. Warrior II With feet 3 – 4 feet apart, raise arms out to the sides until parallel with the floor with palms down. Turn the right foot out keeping the left foot and knee straight forward, slowly slide the right foot out until thigh is parallel with the floor. Maintain good posture not allowing the torso to lean over the bent leg. Hold for 5-8 breaths and repeat on other side. Tree Pose Shift weight to right foot keeping inner foot firm on floor. Bend your left knee and place sole of foot against your right leg with toes pointed toward the ground keeping hips neutral. Begin with foot at calf or knee height, if comfortable grab ankle with your left hand and draw your foot up higher while maintaining your balance. If able, extend arms overhead. Hold for 5-8 breaths and repeat on other side.
Downward Dog Low Lunge Child’s Pose Warrior II Tree Pose