What is the name of this exercise? A. Sit-up B. Push-up C. Walking D. Jumping Answer: B
What would be a healthy snack? A. Soda B. Chips C. Apple D. Candy Bar Answer: C
Which food is a vegetable? A. Bananas B. Strawberries C. Orange D. Carrots Answer: D
What exercise can work your abdominals (ABS)? A. Jumping Jacks B. Curl-ups C. Squat jumps D. Push-ups Answer: B
If it’s a hot day outside and your thirsty, what should you get to drink? A. Water B. Milk C. Soda D. Juice Answer: A
Which is a fruit? A. Broccoli B. Strawberry C. Carrot D. Beans Answer: B
What is the best form of cardio? A. Walking B. Playing video games C. Running D. Talking on the phone Answer: C
If you bring your lunch to school, what’s the best choice? A. Pizza B. Tuna Sandwich w/ fruit C. Hamburger w/ candy bar D. French Fries w/ ketchup Answer: B
Which is a dairy product? A. Chicken B. Strawberries C. Milk D. Broccoli Answer: C
You want to eat a healthy dinner, and your parents give you these options; which should you choose? A. Pizza B. McDonalds C. Hotdogs D. Baked chicken w/carrots Answer: D
How much exercise should you get everyday? A. 30 min. B. 1 hr. C. 15 min. D. None Answer: B
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