OpenStack Meetup Kubernetes Design&Practice, Problem&Solution 旧金山 | 东京 | 上海 | 柏林 高正
@YeahMobi YeahMobi in 旧金山 | 东京 | 上海 | 柏林 个人简介 2010 年毕业于南京大学计算机系,硕士。 先后在腾讯、 IBM 工作,现任职 NDP Media PaaS 架构师。在基于智 能 DNS 的接入层全局负载均衡领域有着丰富的经验。 2013 年开始从事 OpenStack 相关工作,主要研究 Nova 、 Heat ,目前 聚焦于通过 Docker 、 Kubernetes 等技术构建 PaaS ,为 CI/CD/BU 提供 支撑服务。
@YeahMobi YeahMobi in 旧金山 | 东京 | 上海 | 柏林 Release/Roadmap NOT stable CLI/API/Conf/Design Doc Program VS Product Docker v /06/09 K8s v /09/09 K8s v /01/30 K8s v /04/14 K8s v1.0.0 Q2?
@YeahMobi YeahMobi in 旧金山 | 东京 | 上海 | 柏林 Basic concepts
@YeahMobi YeahMobi in 旧金山 | 东京 | 上海 | 柏林 Basic concepts zone=zone1 rack=rack1 name=node1 zone=zone1 rack=rack1 name=node2 zone=zone2 rack=rack2 name=node3 node1node2node3 rack1rack2 zone1 zone2 /
@YeahMobi YeahMobi in 旧金山 | 东京 | 上海 | 柏林 Security Https Authentication Authorization
@YeahMobi YeahMobi in 旧金山 | 东京 | 上海 | 柏林 Multiple tenants namespace user policy admission Control NamespaceExists/NamespaceAutoProvision AlwaysDeny/AlwaysAdmit/ABAC ResourceQuota LimitRanger In design Dynamic token assign Token expiration API instead of file More features Hierarchical namespace/role
@YeahMobi YeahMobi in 旧金山 | 东京 | 上海 | 柏林 Scheduler Predicates volume disk port node select labels resource request cpu Memory no overcommit ratio Priority Infrastructure level LeastRequestedPriority Score = (Sum(requested cpu)/Capacity + Sum(requested memory)/Capacity) * 50 BalancedResourceAllocation score = 10 - abs(cpuFraction-memoryFraction)*10 Service level ServiceSpread ServiceAntiAffinity node1node2node3 rack1rack2 P1P1P2P2P3P3P4P4
@YeahMobi YeahMobi in 旧金山 | 东京 | 上海 | 柏林 Service discovery PortalIP PublicIP SkyDNS
@YeahMobi YeahMobi in 旧金山 | 东京 | 上海 | 柏林 Service discovery curl :28080 curl :28080 curl :45867 curl :28080
@YeahMobi YeahMobi in 旧金山 | 东京 | 上海 | 柏林 Capacity for V1.0 100 nodes pods per node 1s scheduling time (99%) 1s API response (99%)
@YeahMobi YeahMobi in 旧金山 | 东京 | 上海 | 柏林 GUI
@YeahMobi YeahMobi in 旧金山 | 东京 | 上海 | 柏林 Problems - Network Flannel isolation per namespace Neutron
@YeahMobi YeahMobi in 旧金山 | 东京 | 上海 | 柏林 Problems - Single point of registry GUI (Read-Only) Docker push/pullCurl Registry1 Registry2 S3 VIP: service RC Reg-proxy RC VIP: service Reg-UI RC VIP: service Service: Total entry; LB RC (Replication Controller): Auto Recovery in 2s; HA; Docker Hub deployment on AWS us-east-1
@YeahMobi YeahMobi in 旧金山 | 东京 | 上海 | 柏林 Problems - Service dependence Requirements create all components of App component delete rolling update Proposal heat depends_on check_complete k8s lifecycle postStartpreStop Liveness http get Local port probe script readiness
@YeahMobi YeahMobi in 旧金山 | 东京 | 上海 | 柏林 旧金山 | 东京 | 上海 | @YeahMobi YeahMobi in Thanks!