Envisioning the Enterprise of the Future 19 November 2009 Art Murray Carla O’Dell Gia Lyons Lawrence Liu Marc Smith
Main Topics Why Change How to Change What's driving the change, internally/externally What to Change / Change to What What the Enterprise of the Future will look like Tips, insights and recommendations
Building the Enterprise of the Future The information you are about to receive is the product of many years of world- class research from two of the world’s finest universities: GWU MSU
p t The Value of Knowledge is Perishable ©2009 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc.
p t New innovation introduced The World Demands Constant Innovation ©2009 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc.
p t New innovation introduced 6.7B Minds = Accelerating Innovation ©2008 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc.
Reality Check What metric best represents the speed of change in your industry? Current Projected What value would you assign to that metric? ©2008 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc.
Challenges Complexity Compressed Time Cycles Globalization Shifting Demographics Do More With Less Corporate Social Responsibility Commoditization Disintermediation Regulatory Compliance Privacy Environment Terrorism Public Health Open Source ©2008 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc.
The Enterprise of Today CEO CFOCOOCIO Won’t solve these problems… ©2008 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc.
Enabling Technologies Strategy-Driven Processes Learning Innovation Inputs Capital Resources Raw materials of the Knowledge Economy Data Information Knowledge Outputs Products & Services that deliver improved performance People Organizational Structures Relation- ships Work Environ- ment Competencies Tangible and Intangible Assets Industry Clockspeed Enterprise of the Future ©2008 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc.
Past Present “old” knowledge… Future vs. “new” knowledge
What percentage of dedicated resources does your organization assign to innovation vs. learning? Balance Check… Learning = ___% (old knowledge) Innovation = ___% (new knowledge) ©2009 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc.
Why the Easy Answer Is Always “No” Lack of knowledge! Fear stifles innovation, and the primary cause of fear is … ©2009 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc.
What is it we’re really afraid of… ©2009 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc.
How do we avoid this?
©2009 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc. How do we make it work? What if it doesn’t work? What will happen if we don’t try? What are the risks? How much will it cost? Who will do it? By answering all the questions
How do we answer these questions? ©2009 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc.
With Knowledge! ©2009 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc.
How do we make it work? PROCESS KNOWLEDGE ANSWER Question # 1
©2009 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc. ANSWER Who will do it? Question # 2 SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS AND VALUE NETWORKS
©2009 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc. ANSWER How much will it cost? DATA MINING; LIFE CYCLE COST MODELS Question # 3
©2009 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc. ANSWER What’s the risk? RISK MANAGEMENT; SCENARIO PLANNING; REAL- WORLD EXPERIENCE Question # 4
©2009 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc. ANSWER What if it doesn’t work? DOUBLE LOOP LEARNING Question # 5
©2009 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc. ANSWER What will happen if we don’t try? “Now that’s something you really don’t want to know” Question # 6
A Good Place To Start: Instead of saying, “That’ll never work here” ©2008 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc. Always say, “How can we make this work?”
Becoming a Social Knowledge Entrepreneur What knowledge assets do I need to access in order to: Achieve success? Grow personally and professionally? What is the best way to organize those knowledge assets? ©2008 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc.
28 From Personal to Organizational Knowledge My Desktop My Stuff My Junk My Brilliance My Jokes My Resume Personal Workspaces Organizational Workspaces Capabilities Processes, events Communities of Practice Best practices, broader issues, etc.)
What is the Message? Business as usual won’t work Become a knowledge entrepreneur in the global economy ©2009 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc. Be obsessive about: Capturing, sharing, and applying “old” knowledge And using it to generate “new” knowledge
“You create the future by what you do today” ©2008 Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc.