Innovation Bursary Information & Support Event 17 th May 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Innovation Bursary Information & Support Event 17 th May 2016

How we propose to use the time today 14.00: Overview of Bursary scheme, & your questions 14.30: What is innovation? 14.40: Structured Project planning session 15.30: 10 minute surgeries

About the Bursary £80k total. Maximum of £20k grants Projects run from 1 st July 2016 to 31 st March 2017 Application Deadline: Midnight on 31 st May 2016

Projects Must Promote innovation in VCS delivery of health outcomes Promote personalisation and or co-production especially in relation to Personal Health Budgets and Integrated Personal Commissioning Improve health outcomes for patients and/or the public. Innovatively capture patient experience of health services, especially those seldom heard.

Priority will be given to projects that: Support the voluntary sector to undertake research into the health experience of seldom heard groups Promote greater partnership working between voluntary sector organisations, or better partnership working between the VCS and statutory sector. Encourage the involvement of patients and the public in the commissioning of services, in particular primary care. Reduce social isolation, with a positive impact on health and well- being Encourage personal responsibility in health care through promoting self-care, co-produced care plans and the use of new technologies

Innovation – definition from ”The process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value or for which customers will pay. To be called an innovation, an idea must be replicable at an economical cost and must satisfy a specific need. Innovation involves deliberate application of information, imagination and initiative in deriving a greater or different values from resources, and includes all processes by which new ideas are generated and converted into useful products.”

The innovation Process Planning Pilotin g Roll out / Replicati on/ Adoption Protoytyping Outcomes = Problem solved

Idea! Does it involve doing something better or more cheaply? Does it involve providing support where none is presently available? Is there a risk that it might not work? If there is no risk why is this step needed? Is it genuinely new? Or is the real problem getting it funded?

And so what happens Next? To be innovative an initiative has to be replicable, meaning that it isn’t enough that it ends with your project => your project has to contribute something to a wider need or problem, and you need to have a strategy in mind from the start for replicating it. Project Need or problem Who is this of value to?

1.What is the challenge needing to be tackled? / What is the unmet need? / What new information is needed to get over barriers to commissioning? 2.To whom would a solution to these challenges be of value?/ who will be interested in the outcomes/impact of your project? 3.If your idea works, then what would you ideally like happen next? /what might be the long-term impact of investing in your idea?

Developing Your Project Planning Pilotin g Roll out / Replicati on/ Adoption Prototyping Outcomes = Problem solved

What stage in the innovation process are you currently at? Which parts of the process are you looking to get funding for? What activities? How many people? How will you know if its worked? What if it doesn’t work?

Top Tips! Only bid for the funding that you need (focused bids more likely to be supported) Bids looking like they’re funding services will be less likely to be supported – unless it’s clear how the project will open up funding opportunities Say who the project will be of value to - involve future funders in your project??? Be clear how the project will make impact beyond its life

Further Support I am happy to provide further support over the phone and give feedback on bids