Parent & Maternal Provide & Secure Commission & Provide Listen & Deliver EMPOWER & CO- PRODUCE
Central Planning One Size Fits All Central Administration Consult after ideas Shaped Manage Function – Not Place Physical envy – not people First Organisation boundaries – Not citizen outcomes Its MY budget Its MY Data and Knowledge.
Leadership & Vision Direction & Mission Culture Your staff – skills and Knowledge Shaping Services With People Delivering Services Different Customer Focus – Personalisation Manage PLACE not FUNCTION Let go of Power – But not ALL! Community Governance. Community Budgets No Organisational Boundaries Citizen Targets. IT and Information
We are ambitious for Sheffield, for the Council and for all our citizens. Our vision is: To be a modern, vibrant, green city where people choose to live, invest and work To be a Council that gets things right first time for our customers To be a city where everyone can achieve their full potential
On your table think through the following 1)Do you have a value statement? 2)How should it be drawn up with 3)How will the public be involved 4)How should own it 5)How will it reflect how you wish to work as an organisation?
Let Staff & Citizens know the Values and Culture FIRST – too often IGNORED Voice & Empower residents Local people will be in the driving seat. Residents and communities will have greater voice and control over services, budgets and decisions that affect them through active involvement in neighbourhood management Customer as individuals Choice Sheffield is a place where everyone matters. We will focus on the needs of our individual customers, and our services will be responsive to their particular needs. We will also increase people’s choice about how, when and in what way they access services
How Community Assemblies work "Quite simply, Sheffield City Council have put local people at the heart of the decision-making process for their community. By working closely with their local Councillors, they will be able to guide and shape services that will improve the quality of life for them, their families and neighbourhoods” Cllr. Paul Scriven – Former Leader of the Council
Community Plan – One vision, one voice Citizens Targets – What really matters Partnership Panels – outcomes not organisations Money at local level – Needs based. One asset Plan – not status buildings Centre Supports – THE DAY JOB. Flexibility for each AREA Powers go down – You lose some control
Resources and Organisation Standard service OUR demand met! Personalised Services Based on Customer NEED Joint budgets and Resources Individual Ideas Individual Problems TO
Many techniques buy the 3 I use most are I Can’t do that because …… What iffing……… Reversal Technique Of course we all Brainstorm as well So use a what if scenario on our table What if no department had a budget it was Just the Areas?
“ Choose & Use” - Youth Services Targeting House not area -High Risk Issues Independence for Older people -Personalised Budgets Citizen Targets - Innovation - map and monitor what matters Customer Specifications -Both involved in drawing up and -Awarding contract.
People, People, People – First – Second and Third TRUST people to have the Ideas – “Driving me Crazy” Planning guidelines – community prospective Think wide Culture just as important as Transport Future proof – Don’t just build for Today People can help to keep themselves safe! – Not just CCTV Who is going to own and help run the area?
Planned with People for People - Mixed use built on HUMAN Scale – The biggest village in the UK Thought through liveability issues -Parks, Woodland, Schools, Shops, -Community centres. THRIVING CENTRES Put Transport where people go and Choice of travel. INTEGRATED Used Culture as an asset and asked people What they wanted Community Budgets Involved people in the criminal justice system Gave money to local people - Participatory Budgeting.
Community Justice Panels Police, Courts and Council Restorative Justice Anti – Social Behaviour, less serious incidents And criminal damage and assaults 60 Community Justice Co-ordinators Down from a 36% reoffending Rate to 2.8% Community can see and be involved in Putting wrongs right. Individuals have to face community
..We need public officials who will challenge the norms, dare the traditions and customs of what used to work… Tan Sri Mohd Sidek bin Haji Hassan Chief Secretary to the Government
Take 20 minutes Now to 1)Decide the Top 3 Things you would like to do to empower people with 2) The 3 things that will block this 3) What YOU will do to unblock them
Ownership of Community Buildings Mutual of Physical Asset Co-operatives for Services Community Budgets Staff Co-operatives been looked into Land Leasing Other Models will emerge.
Participatory Budgeting £2.2M handed down to local people Local people decide what they wish To bid for Local people Vote what they want Communities GET what THEY want. Innovation and local needs met
Self Service Internet Banking Dynamic Packaging of services i.e. Holidays Design Own Cards On line Co- operatives Massive CRM systems Voting via tracking spend Loyalty card personalised offers
Personalisation of Service Co – Produced Services ICT and Remote use on demand Whole Person Whole Place Public & Private Partnerships.
Community Co-operatives Ownership Control Vote Public Sector Community Groups Business Staff Groups