NON-PROPRIETARY DATA NASA SBIR/STTR Technologies A2.05-8412 - Mesh Adaptation and Shape Optimization on Unstructured Meshes PI: William M. Eppard CRM SOLUTIONS,


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Presentation transcript:

NON-PROPRIETARY DATA NASA SBIR/STTR Technologies A Mesh Adaptation and Shape Optimization on Unstructured Meshes PI: William M. Eppard CRM SOLUTIONS, INC. - Huntsville, AL Identification and Significance of Innovation Technical Objectives and Work Plan NASA and Non-NASA Applications Firm Contacts Expected TRL Range at the end of Contract (3-4): All adaptive mesh refinement methods rely on some form of indicator to drive adaption of the mesh. Early efforts refined the mesh in regions where large flow gradients existed. These methods often performed poorly by over-refining regions with strong shocks and other strong-gradient structures, and under-refining areas that appeared featureless. More recent approaches use output-based adaptive methods that target refinement areas that are important for predicting the output of interest. These methods use an adjoint solution to determine the sensitivity of the output functional to local residuals and inherently focus on adapting in regions where there is simultaneously a sensitivity (of the output functional) and a source of error. We utilized the adjoint concept in combination with an appropriate choice of a adjoint variable (i.e., either the entropy variables or an approximate adjoint solution) to develop effective low-cost alternatives to the general formulation without compromising accuracy. LES HALL CRM SOLUTIONS, INC Memorial PKWY SW, Suite 200 Huntsville, PHONE: (256) FAX: (256) The main objective is to develop robust mesh adaptation schemes that will improve simulation accuracy while reducing overall computational costs. The principal incentive to NASA is to make large-scale, complex flow simulations more accurate and affordable so that their benefits can be fully realized within the design cycle. The Specific Objectives are: 1. Perform mesh adaptations for several geometries and flow conditions. 2. Evaluate the robustness and effectiveness of the new adaptation schemes. 3. Improve accuracy, and reduce overall computational cost. The work will be carried out by the team of CRM and Mississippi State University. CRM will focus primarily on implementation, testing, and evaluation of technology. Mississippi State will lead the software development and integration effort into Loci/CHEM for technology demonstration and validation. The Specific Work Tasks are: 1. Implement the entropy adjoint mesh refinement method. 2. Implement the approximate adjoint mesh refinement method. 3. Testing and evaluation for ideal gas simulations. Mesh Adaption for Sonic Boom Pressure Signature Non-NASA Applications NASA applications for the Loci/CHEM CFD solver that utilizes the proposed Adjoint methodology span all centers and all programs that incorporate Computational Fluid Dynamics in the design process for space and land vehicles. Specific applications include NASA's Space Launch System (SLS), Aircraft Technology Program, Airspace Systems Program, Subsonic Fixed Wing (SFW) project, and Vehicle Systems Program. Virtually every engineering company that utilizes CFD for fluid dynamics analysis will be interested in the developed technology. The major target markets include companies that support aerospace, biomedical, industrial, and automotive. The international markets also represent a significant opportunity and will be a focus as the technology becomes productized.