Larry J. Siegel Valerie Bell University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Chapter Six Social Structure Theory
Economic Structure and Crime –Stratified Society –Social Class Social Structure Theory
Economic Structure and Crime –Problems of the Lower Class Culture of poverty –Child Poverty –Minority Group Poverty –Poverty and Crime Social structure theory Social Structure Theory
Social Disorganization Theory –Poverty –Social Disorganization –Breakdown of Traditional Values –Criminal Areas –Cultural Transmission –Criminal Careers Social Structure Theory
The Work of Shaw and McKay –Transitional Neighborhoods Area undergoing shift in population and structure –Concentric Zones –The Legacy of Shaw and McKay Social Structure Theory
The Social Ecology School –Community Disorder –Community Fear –Siege Mentality –Community Change –Poverty Concentration Social Structure Theory
The Social Ecology School –Collective Efficacy –Informal Social Control –Institutional Social Control –Public Social Control Social Structure Theory
The Social Ecology School –Collective Efficacy High levels of social control Social integration Interpersonal ties Mutual trust Willingness to intervene Maintenance of public order Social Structure Theory
Strain Theories –Poverty –Maintenance of Conventional Rules and Norms –Strain –Formation of Gangs and Groups –Crime and Delinquency –Criminal Careers Social Structure Theory
Theory of Anomie –Social Adaptations Conformity Innovation Ritualism Retreatism Rebellion –Evaluation of Anomie Theory Social Structure Theory
Institutional Anomie Theory –American Dream Goal Process Overvaluation of economic goals Social Structure Theory
Relative Deprivation Theory –Envy, mistrust, and aggression resulting from perceptions of economic and social inequality. Social Structure Theory
General Strain Theory –Multiple Sources of Strain Failure to achieve positively valued goals Disjunction of expectations and achievements Removal of positively valued stimuli Presentation of negative stimuli –Consequences of Strain –Coping with Strain –Evaluating GST Social Structure Theory
Cultural Deviance Theory –Poverty –Socialization –Subculture –Deviant Values –Crime and Delinquency –Criminal Careers Social Structure Theory
Theory of Delinquent Subcultures –Status Frustration –Middle-Class Measuring Rods –Formation of Deviant Subcultures Social Structure Theory
Theory of Delinquent Subcultures –Theory of Differential Opportunity Criminal gangs Conflict gangs Retreatist gangs Social Structure Theory
Social Structure Theory and Public Policy –Public Assistance or Welfare –Improving Community-Structure in High-Crime Areas –Head Start –Legal Services –Community Action Programs Social Structure Theory