East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone Admin Conference Schools Finance 24 April 2013
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone Topics How the LA is funded for schools (DSG) Pressures on the ERYC Where we are in the DSG rankings Pupil numbers for the ERYC Pupil premium F40 group Areas affecting funding changes and in year balances
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) The DSG is the grant a local authority receives from the Government to pay for schools Up until the DSG was the calculated by: pupil numbers at January * GUF = DSG The GUF is the Guaranteed Unit of Funding. It was based on the spending in uplifted for ministerial priorities.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone GUF In the Government added the GUF (£4, per pupil) and the standard fund grants (£ per pupil) together to give a GUF of £4, The GUF has remained at this level for and
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone DSG from The government has changed the way the DSG is calculated from Now split into 3 blocks: Schools, Early Years and High Needs Comparison to previous years difficult- different calculation and additional funding added eg. £1.854m 2 year olds free nursery provision
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone Pressures on the ERYC In the LA has to find gross savings of £25m or 4.2%. Children’s Services savings £5m These have been found partly from: 1)The removal of support to schools £0.445m 2)School Improvement Service £1.5m (now traded service) 3)Schools music service £0.181m 4)Early years £0.932m and the social care budget
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone Where is the ERYC in the DSG rankings In a GUF of £4, placed us as the 8 th worst funded LA out of 151. (ranges Leicestershire £4, to City of London £9,372.60) In the per pupil units of funding are: Schools block £4, worst Early years block £4, worst High needs block £ worst Overall £4,984 per schools block pupil numbers = 3 rd worst
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone Pupil numbers in mainstream schools YearPrimarySecondaryTotal ,37019,65043, ,32019,56742, ,20419,22242, ,63118,78342, ,74318,43342, ,73917,98941, ,98417,55141, ,94717,22041,167
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone Pupil Premium The pupil premium is a completely separate grant. Need to report use and impact on website Don’t forget those pupils that are performing well Funding per pupil Total funding ££m 2011/ / /
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone F40 group F40 represents the 40 lowest funded LA’s in the Country F40 letter to Michael Gove (MG)10th April 2012 requesting an uplift in funding to the level of the 40 th worst funded LA (option to scale down to 1/3)- would have meant an additional £2.8m to us or £66.38 per pupil. MG rejected proposal on 5 th July 2012 F40 wrote again 16th July 2012 MG rejected again 24 th July 2012
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone Issues/ Pressures for Funding remained the same but new funding formula redistributed it amongst schools. Removal of support from Council £0.445m PFI pressure £0.647m Pay awards/ inflation / pension contribution Additional costs for school improvement service etc EFA funding for 6 th forms Falling pupil numbers Funding for high needs pupils
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone Review of the School funding Arrangements DfE consultation with a closing date of 26 th March Possible changes to: Lump sum Prior attainment proxy Pupil mobility Sparsity measure Groups of children not reached? High needs pupils DfE have produced tables that show the distribution of the Schools Block by LA.- awaiting consultation results